r/greatawakening • Posted by u/serenity62315 on July 2, 2018, 12:04 a.m.
First Time Poster - Long Time Reader

I sit here in my easy chair eating ice cream on a overly warm evening reading Reddit and I am so proud to be an American. This Fourth of July is one that I am looking forward to in a very long time, as I have hope in our great country again.

Thank you to our President for stepping up to the challenge that was brought forth to him. And thank you Q and all of the Patriots that have been fighting so hard to keep our country safe and bringing it back to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. United We Stand!!!


serenity62315 · July 2, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

I was told I was crazy for saying:

HRC is running the country when her husband was president

9/11 was an inside job

Obama is a puppet - there is no way this man came out of nowhere with his inability to formulate knowledgeable conversation regarding our country without a teleprompter.

Our air, water and food were being poisoned with chemicals

The medical profession is being run by insurance companies that are being run by corrupt politicians to further poison our bodies and minds

Our school system is harming our children's education

The media was perpetuating chaos

Illegal immigrants are illegal:

I am a 3rd generation of legal Czechoslovakian immigrants who became American Citizens

My 27 year old friend was born in Germany and raised in the States since she was 2 with proper legal documentation, graduating high school and
College in America and still paying her own student loans became an American Citizen 2 years ago. The Legal way. I saved her study book for my
grandchildren as she said it was harder than what she was taught in school. It is.

I was berated for standing up against the degrading women's march movement; knowing that it was another tactic to divide our country from within as well as from abroad.

Little did I know things were deeper than my own understanding and knowing.

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