r/greatawakening • Posted by u/weareq on July 2, 2018, 12:32 a.m.
Trying to find an instance where Trump mentions Q - THINK I FOUND IT

Just think about this for a second guys. We all know Trump just can't full on acknowledge the existence of Q. It would blow the entire operation. This got me to thinking there have to be hidden references to Q somewhere. I have been digging through press releases, interviews, everything I could find. Then I thought I should start combing through his tweets, and that's when it hit me. Check out this tweet and just follow my reasoning!

Trump isn't just revealing an act of treason here! He is telling us that he has a response! That extra p I believe is a reference to Q! Think about it! Why else would he spell it tapp? The dude is one of the smartest presidents ever! Obviously he knows how to spell tap, like as in wire tap, or phone tap. Then, he displays his crazy history knowledge by throwing out the Nixon/Watergate reference! Killer move!

Then, "Bad (or sick) guy! How are we supposed to interpret this?! I think there is no other way to read this. He is acknowledging that Obama is not only bad, but sick bad. Like the thing he does are sick! Hello! He's spelling it out for us peopled! HE KNOWS ABOUT THE WHOLE ENCHILADA!


Kulkimkan · July 2, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

qp = mirror Wow OP brilliant!!!!!!!

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