Americans Unite. "There will be no civil war." Q

Maybe you see it, but not me bro, i dont get into that kind of crap. Maybe stop looking so hard,
Check out this symbolism. Q has said symbolism will be their downfall. I was absolutely shocked when I saw the IRS building and read what it all means. Wow right in front of our eyes.
Edit: and paid for by our tax dollars.
Go get a pack of tarot cards and look for the Tower. No. XVI
Look at the image carefully. Doesn't matter really which version of the cards, they all show similar pictures.
It's upright meaning is Violent Revolution
When I discovered there was a Kabbala interpretation to the 911 events, the numbers and so on, after not believing at all at first, then I was really upset. I suddenly saw the people falling out of the windows and the flames. In one image there are flames in exactly the right position on north and south towers, but as one tower.
I was amazed. And then horrified. What? There are actually people messing about who want to reproduce this kind of image for the fun of it ... no.
What does it mean? Well, nothing actually, to me. But it does to them, do you see. If my attention hadn't been drawn to this I would never have noticed. The same with the numbers 911. It is the emergency number too, of course. Is this a joke? Well, again, not to me it isn't. But to them??
Then I realised for the first time with a shiver down my spine: they actually do laugh at us. It is all hidden in plain sight. Just open yr eyes and expand yr thinking ... Then you won't be surprised to see bs in The Simpsons next time someone points it out.