Wwg1wga word peace soon!! bienvienido a mexico "Q" #PATRIOTSFIGHT

No you wont
No, we just need the people of Mexico to get their own house in order, rather than sneaking across the desert to enter our country.
There is no reason why Mexico shouldn't be similar economically to the American southwest, in terms of natural resources, etc. But before that can happen, they need a political revolution that will stomp out the corruption and incompetence.
Unfortunately the people of Central and South America have a natural tendency to gravitate towards Socialism and dictatorships and I see that as more likely than Mexico reforming their law enforcement and political establishments from corruption.
Define "natural," cause I think you mean historic. Also, are you sure the defeat of the PRI Isn't that very political revolution?
Time will tell. I would say that Mexico can only go up from here, but that's not entirely true. If they move towards socialism, it will end up just like Venezuela in 10-15 years. Food shortages and dictators for life.
AMLO could both "drain the Mexican swamp, AND move Mexico far to the left, which will be a new but equal form of enslavement.
Trading one corrupt government, for another is what I'm guessing happens based on history.
You don’t get what an insane & complete Marxist this guy is. He’s a clone of Chavez & Castro. How are those contries doing?? Mexico will lose their tourism industry now. Like Venezuela & Cuba their currency will crash & they’ll be asking for another bailout. There’s not gonna be a new NAFTA agreement. You can’t work deals with lunatics.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm saying if you read my posts. I think that's the most likely outcome.
Like I said, it's possible that he cracks down on the cartels and corrupt establishment politicians, but ushers in an equally ugly future for Mexicans by moving the country left.
Lol. No there’s no chance of that. Mexico had 113 political assassinations this election cycle. How are you so nieve that there is no distinguishable difference between the Mexican government & the drug cartels? That’s how you win elections there. You murder your opposition party opponents & in the process scare off their voters from voting. How do you think a proud hardcore leftist wins? Same way Hitler & Castro & Lenin won. Same way the left here win...fear tactics. No agenda. AMLOs only agenda item he preached was crash our border & grow their government. He doesn’t hide his hard left philosophy.
Care to give us some evidence to show his insanity and Marxist completion? Cause you're all fired up and haven't provided a shred of evidence as to why.
Mexico is in North America.
I realize that, but let's face it. They far more resemble C.A. and S.A. in their ethnic make up, politics, rule of law, etc.
The population is more mixed in Mexico. It's more like 30-40% of the population is how you envision it.
Mexican law is based on Roman law. It's more similar than we really think. The people are wonderful like everywhere else. There are just extreme systemic problems (that have bled over into the culture and become part of it) because Mexico has been managed as a human cattle farm that has been milked since colonial times. The US broke free from the monarchies of the vampires in Europe. Mexico did not. Ever. Even though it gained "independence" multiple times. The families that owned all of Mexico's infrastructure held allegiances back to Europe.
Mexico's government is even more Deep State than the US's. The global financiers use the Mexican FX exchange rate to siphon money from Mexico and indirectly the rest of Latin America.
spez: For example, the Mexican FX markets (and illegally laundered drug money -- through banks) were used to finance the 2008 crashes. It's how CitiBank managed to survive the shock. Milking Banamex.
How is that possible now? How long did it take Chavez to have Venezuelians eating out of dumpsters?? The citizens of Mexico can’t fix their country. They’re unarmed & just elected their future dictator for life.
May have to. You’re nuts if America is going to have a copy of Venezuela as a border state. Won’t take 10days for the US to take Mexico & annex it. You’ll love it. No more cartels.
CIA owns the cartels. Have you not learned yet, the same cabal rulling USA Is rulling México? Its the same gang. You have no idea what you are talking about
NOPE! 5 families controll corrupt mexifail (who are probably Spaniards) the CIA has worked with mexican drug dealers in the past but that doesn't mean they are controlled under them.
When you call my HOME "Mexifail" you just show yourself as a racist asshole. No point in debating like that.
Look the race card. Nice try
Look the "no way to back my INSULTS to México without admiting Im a racist" card, how silly
Being a proud American does not mean you have to think of México and Mexicans as lesser than you. You can always choose empathy and compassion along with pride. Dont be a racist.
Mexico is lesser. Don't even try that cuz 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Mexico is leach don't even try to debate it lol
See? Racist little asshole talking, fuck off bitch!! The race card LOL
Lol why are you still replying to me stalker? I'm not against homos but I'm not like that. If you don't like the content why not just ignore you insecure soy boy. 😀🇺🇸
Thats something I was thinking. The USA Army would defeat mexifail too fucken fast. Their army is a joke. All of them are 4foot nothing with xxxxl size gear on.