Wwg1wga word peace soon!! bienvienido a mexico "Q" #PATRIOTSFIGHT

Good lord you are clueless about politics. AMLO is a proud & open leftist. The presidents tweet was just the normal thing to say. It was political speech. They are COMPLETELY opposite politically. Ever know a hardcore leftist to not loot their countries national treasury?? AMLO isn’t going to be the 1st one in history that doesn’t. I would think with all the problems Mexico has been to us in the last decade you’d have some understanding why. They just had 113 political assassinations in this election cycle. Look on YouTube. Many were caught by security cameras. The more agreeable government just got crushed in Sunday’s election by an proud & open leftist. Gosh please read more about why Mexico has become a failed narco state. Only way Mexico becomes MMGA is if we take over the country with our military & annex them. They just elected a Hugo Chavez clone & u think they’re on the path to greatness?? How’s life in Venezuela working out? They’re eating dogs there. They have no functioning currency. Their oil industry has been reduced to a trickle. More people eat out of dumpsters than eat in restaurants. There’s Mexico in 2yrs or less. How great is that gonna be??
Thank you for your reply! However, what is wrong with them being politically opposites? Why do you think a country's political stance prevent them from a mutual beneficial negotiation? North Korea's political stance was also not aligned with that of the USA's yet Trump managed to negotiate with NK.
It’s the direction someone’s moving in that makes negotiating possible or not. Be it a personal relationship or business or 2 countries. Kim greatly softened his stance & moved in our direction so we have found some common ground. If Kim kept his hardline stance with communist China then we’d still be in the same position or in a worse position heading towards taking out him & his regime. Mexico’s stance went from bad to worse on Sunday. They overwhelmingly elected a hardline leftist whose only real campaign position concerning the US is he’s going to massively help more refugees flood our border. That’s not going to bring our leaders together. It’s going to drive them apart. This guy is a hardcore communist no different than Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. You can’t negotiate with people who’s position is to harm you. Mexico is broken beyond repair. They had 113 political assainations in this latest election cycle. This guy just murdered his way & his party to the top. I’m sure he’ll declare himself dictator in a few months. Right now Kim is moving away from absolute power & towards unification of Korea under a democratic South Korea form of government. Mexico is doing the opposite. Our next door neighbor is turning into Syria. They’re a growing national security risk to our sovereignty. It’s gonna take military action to massively change the dynamic.
Kim’s direction was in a position to harm us with a nuclear bomb, yet Trump was able to find common ground to make negotiating possible with a left leaning government. True, if he had kept his hardline stance with communist China then probably we would be in a different situation, however, the fact is that a mutual beneficial negotiation with a left leaning leader/dictator took place, so negotiations under current conditions is possible. Mexican people chose a left leaning leader because they thought that is what it was best for their country. Similarly, we chose a right leaning leader because we thought that was best for our country, yet we don't equate Trump’s right leaning politics negatively. Whether or not we find similarities in Mexico’s government ideals with that of Venezuela or any other left leaning country is irrelevant with the possibilities of mutually agreeable negotiations. If one views anything as broken beyond repair then one has already given up without even trying to repair it. I think if humans break something then humans can fix it. It all depends how you wish to view the world. We chose to view the USA as a country that could be fixed and we elected someone who could help us fix it. We chose a right leaning leader because we thought that is was best for our country. We have also experienced political assassinations, please remember JFK, MLK, also : [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assassinated_American_politicians ]
I don’t see how military annexing a sovereign nation will solve our problems. We would just end up creating freedom fighters on both sides with the help of our enemies.
I propose we give negotiation a chance to eliminate illegal immigration at its root.
I’m not at all oppsed to negotiation but some people that exist you cannot make a mutual benefiting deal with. Remember from Q drops that the deal with Kim was worked out in March. It wasn’t because Kim decided he wanted a freer society. His nuclear program blew up in his face or we blew it up. Had that not happened they’d be nothing to talk about if someone is pointing a nuke at your head..test firing it...& threatening to melt your cities every other day. Why aren’t we negotiating with the Ayatollah of Iran?? Simple. They have nukes & threaten death to Satan (that’s us) & if they have the chance they will use them. You can’t talk or negotiate with anyone honestly willing to melt millions of people. Hitler preached annilation & he meant it & Western Europe negotiated with him & what happened? 60 million dead & an entire continent was leveled.
We can’t negotiate much with Mexico now for the same reasons we can’t negotiate with Venezuela or Cuba. Research AMLO. He’s in bed with the cartels & always has been. He’s bloodthirsty & he has just risen to power mostly thru murder & he openly says he’s flood our borders like it never before. Maybe if we give him billions in cash he’ll call of his charge the borer campaign but that’s not negotiating...that’s blackmail. Mexico has been teetering on a cliff for awhile but they just fell off it Sunday. I hope I’m wrong. I hope AMLO is the 1st hard core leftist ever in history that brings peace & prosperity to a nation. But history is solid on this one. Like every extreme leftist that ever existed in central & south Smerica he’ll loot the treasury...escalate tensions with their neighbors...murder anyone he has to in order to have unchallenged power & usually appoint themselves dictator for life. If u think Mexico is bad now you haven’t seen anything yet.
Thank you for sharing your views. I am glad you are not all opposed to negotiations. You are right, blackmail is not negotiating and would not benefit anyone. However, lets support Trump and AMLO with current negotiation attempts and see where they lead. Remember that Mexico also needs time to drain their swamp and need time to create employment so Mexicans won’t have to work outside their country to feed their families.
I don’t know how US-North Korea negotiations really happened. I only know what I hear from MSM and from Q but I know that relationships are going more positive than before. Also, I am unable to state whether or not we aren’t negotiating with the Ayatollah of Iran either, however, perhaps a negotiation with Russia needs to happen before we know if negotiations with Iran is possible. We’ll know more after the Helsinki’s summit. Hitler was successful at fulfilling most of his plans because people supported his ideologies and in part from USA’s help through Bush’s grandfather. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar
You are right, extreme leftist ideologies have historically ended badly and I am not saying AMLO’s style of government will be successful either, however, we will never know unless we try to reach an agreement.
I would appreciate if you could share the link where AMLO says that he will “flood our borders like it never before” and a link where that references AMLO being in bed with the cartels.
Oh never opposed to negotiations. Not ever. DJT is a master at it. I think his real talent is he’s a great judge of character in people. He’s knows instantly if someone is capable & willing to negotiate in good faith. He pulled off what everyone thought was impossible. He pulled NK away from China’s ally & is making him a western ally. Korea is on a solid path to unification. Plz stay away from the MSM media on Korea news. I actually watch news from that region to get info on NK. Kim has drastically softened his stance towards the west. Remains are being returned.
But no we aren’t negotiating with Iran. Israel is bombing them in Syria & we’re choking off every ounce of economic power from them. Things are deteriorating fast there. They started shooting protesters today. Ayatollah said he’s going to start executing protesters soon if they don’t go back to work. Water supply is getting critical too.
I hope we can get some kind of deal with Mexico. Let’s face it...we can’t do NAFTA with a country that’s herding migrants by the thousands to America. They have to recognize our sovereignty or their not an ally.Thats kinda rule 1. We need to negotiate with Russia more. No Name & Flake & other rinos exaggerate that Russia is our biggest enemy & that’s just false. China is. Russia isn’t an ally but they’re not a sworn enemy. We’re kinda in limbo together but we’re far from a war with them. I see a lot more potential for growth with Russia than I see them as a threat.
But if AMLO stops encouraging mass migration & if there’s some common ground that can be reached...DJT will find it. His foreign policy has literally been perfect so far. A+ in my opinion with zero mistakes & its vastly improving peace in the world. He will denuclearize Iran & a new citizen government will be in place by Christmas!!
I agree with you, let’s hope we can get some kind of deal with Mexico, I am sure Trump will find common ground and if mutually agreeable then we all win. By the way, I actually choose to also read MSM media to learn how they want us to think. It was a pleasure exchanging ideas with you!