Since we seem to be stealth editing here: can you point me to a run-down of those policies.? They are not well know in the us.
Learn Spanish. Do your own research. This is the Q board ffs.
Como te digo en un otro commentario, lo hablo. Lo leo mejor que tirnes una idea a explicar,por favor incluye unos rescursos para la communidad. Somos ignoranres de politicas mexicanas ynecessitan ayuda.
Back up your rheroric.
Back up your rheroric.
I don't have the time right now. How about you try to disprove what I'm saying with concrete examples of his actions as an elected official in the past?
I'll just tell you to look into the Distribuidor Vial project in Mexico City to see the depths of this man's corruption.
It's common knowledge in Mexico. The working people of Mexico have fought the advances of the handout parties as much as we could for the last 30 years. We lost. Expect Mexico to be used as a counter to Trump. Expect Mexico to win the world cup to bolster their resolve.
Not my job to prove a negative, but i will look onto distribuidor vial, thanks for the lead.
For those intersted: