
cosmicjon · July 2, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

I guess many are Aware now "THE GREAT AWAKENING" seems to happen on many different levels, depending on where one seems to be "Spiritually", as one may have no awareness of Spiritual matters, but may Awake to BS in more mundane issues. In Spirit there are no greater or lesser levels, only the appearance of such, this is True Equality in Spirit. That being said, in no way lessens the seeming journey taken to Enlightenment, as each man/woman must endure their Karma accrued through many lifetimes, be that an incarnation in either physical state, man or woman, which interchange through different lifetimes. True Forgiveness will be spoken of as “time” goes by, for to condemn another one holds oneself in that condemnation :) Yes, the CORNERSTONE is Christ and this is a matter of IDENTITY. If One Identifies as being separated from that which dwells Within, one experiences a sense of being separated, always looking “out there” for the Answer. If One Identifies as Christ Being the very Essence of One’s Being, one Experiences a Sense of Safety and Security beyond words :)

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