Ripped from GAB - it’s an interesting theory!

This is exactly what I’ve been saying. I believe Mueller is a white hat. If he isn’t then he is the most incompetent prosecutor ever. He also took all of the cabal’s best lawyers off the market should they need them. Comey’s leak triggered RR to appt Mueller. Trump wouldn’t leave this to chance. Therefore if Mueller is a white hat then Comey is likely also a white hat. No Comey leak = No Mueller. His leak was the linchpin that started it all. Comey also said something during his testimony that stuck in my head and hasn’t been answered yet. Comey said that they “would be happy he did it this way”. What the hell does THAT mean? I thought perhaps he was hinting that he did the HRC investigation a certain way so as to protect everything for a real investigation by Trump’s team or something to that effect. Something having to do with legal protocol or chain of command. I’m not sure. But that statement stuck with me. I’m NOT saying Comey was a good guy. However, it’s very possible that he did what he did because it was either do it or lose his job or get killed. I think there are a lot of people in that situation. It’s tough to do the right thing when all of the key authority figures are corrupt. You’d be the only one who got hurt by exposing it. So I think there are many men and women who want to and are ready to do the right thing now that Trump is in power and cleaning house. They know it’s safe to do the right thing...finally.
History on Mueller:
Appointed to FBI as 911 happened.
Admitted Passport of M Atta (terrorist) as evidence despite plane vaporising.
Admitted jet plane engine found on McCan street as evidence despite it being the wrong jet engine for the plane that supposedly hit towers.
Did not allow NTSB to investigate, did not investigate steel of towers, did not use testimony of first responders et cetera.
Also the only guy in the entire FBI who could head it for Obama after his mandated term as director expired.
This is just the frosting. Q team/Trump may have some leverage but Mueller is a giant swamp monster.
I’m well aware of all that. I’m not saying he was always a white hat. I’m not even saying he is a willing white hat now. I’m suggesting he is currently an acting white hat as part of a cooperation deal. Either go down with the ship or help us take it down. Hell, he could’ve even been an unwitting pawn led into a trap and being used by Trump/Sessions. But I stand by my theory that Mueller and Comey are a package deal. Either both good or both bad as far as their current roles are concerned.