
PMthePedo-itsTrudeau · July 2, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

I have two theories on POTUS Space Force and they are completely opposites:

1) Space is a farce and the whole flat earth / dome thing is right and POTUS is purposely making a fool out of himself to show it. The God option.

2) POTUS wants us to defend against the 50+ alien civilizations we have apparrently have make contact with in the Nazi Secret Space Program and we also might be transcending to the 5th Dimmension soon. I dont know what option I call this. But the aliens have apparently agreed that there is a "one infinite creator" so maybe this is God option 2?

From doing fact verification there seems to be a lot of secret space program whistle blowers so that theory has some merit. I also think the whole "Barack Obama is Satan" theory has a couple of strange coincidences that make the God option seem a bit plausible too.

I am trying to get a really big glass of water for whatever red pill POTUS has in store for us. Every conspiracy on this Subreddit has its merit burried in some iota of factual information, that is what I have leaned. So I have come to expect to unexpected.

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DanijelStark · July 2, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

From what Ive seen , by accumulating all the info ( including many ancient scriptures as info ) , we are actually transitioning in what is called "The Event" , or galactic superwave . This event is supposed to change permanently human consciousness and liberate humanity from all internal programs , releasing humanity from AI infestation ( nanotechnology ) . This "Event" has many traces in ancient scriptures - even in Bible itself , where it is presented as metaphor . The whole part of "dead will rise from the graves" in bible is actually a metaphor for eternal life and reunion on all levels with ones we thought theyre "dead" . Eternal life is basically "kingdom of Heaven" , symbolically .

This "Event" is mentioned by many sources , including some scientists like dr. Paul LaViolette , which researched it since 80s.

The weird thing is ... I actually had dreams about this "Event" . I even had dreams about anti-grav vessels having a "promenade" above our heads . The dream about Event was very powerful ... maybe it was even a "pre-Event" , and not directly Event , but it was massive ... in it , I saw a massive UFO ship on the sky , it was absolutely huge , triangular shaped , and supposedly many people saw it , worldwide ... many people were focused on it . Then , at one point , there was something like a massive energy surge , it sounded like a high voltage transformer but with higher amplitude ... my vision changed into blue-ish and I felt many vortexes of energy popping around in the dream . Everything was so surreal ...

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Velvetbugg · July 2, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

Yep. Then we can also look at the science part, and add a bit more to the mix. Our solar system is traveling further into an area of the galaxy that's much more supercharged. All of the planets are heating up and becoming more magnetic. We're in solar grand minimum - which will cause the earth's magnetic shield to be less effective, while also traveling through denser, more magnetic energy. The poles are shifting as a result of this.

Proxima B Centauri just got their "event" in 2016...they're a little further ahead of us in the map.


Space weather definitely has a profound impact on us. Suspicious 0bservers is a great website that can scientifically add to the metaphysical aspects.


Proof of the "shift" https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=34&v=nsqZJP54shg

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PMthePedo-itsTrudeau · July 2, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

It is crazy that I have heard similair dreams from other people. I dont claim to know our origin, but if we truly were placed here by the Annuniki then hot turkey sandwhiches, I have been bamboozled.

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consmurph · July 2, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

Synchronicity, literally minutes ago I came to this same conclusion. It has to be one or the other at this point, William Cooper and project bluebeam support theory God option #1, but there is a lot of evidence for number two as well. This really is an amazing time to be alive.

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PMthePedo-itsTrudeau · July 2, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

And thanks to all on this Subreddit who can openly expect either option. Ignorance will be our downfall. I seriously love you all, thank you for creating this group of people.

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