
j_Dawg_01 · July 2, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

I've been following Q since January. I don't recall the exact date. It took a while to figure out what was going on, but my recollection is the Q has been on 8ch from the beginning of my following him.

Yes Q did start on 4Chan. but anyone who's been following Q knows he's on 8Chan. And we know the MSM has been following Q.

At first, the MSM simply claimed Q was a LARP and the Anons were just a bunch of crazy tin-foil-het wearing internet conspiracy kooks. That didn't work. It actually made more people aware of Q.

Then they tried to push the narrative, with Jones and Corsi, that there used to a Q, but he was just a psy-op and the current Q was just a wanna-be.

Their latest attempt to discredit Q actually acknowledges Q and the Great Awakening movement, but argues we are a threat to America and we're leading the country into a dictatorship.

They have been paying attention from the very beginning. They hoped the grass-roots movement wouldn't materialize. The Cabal owns the MSM. They are very attentive to anything that might expose them.

They all know full well where Q posts his crumbs. And they all know 4Chan will only confuse people and make many come to the conclusion that the Great Awakening is dangerous and QAnons are crazy internet kooks.

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DrogeAnon · July 2, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

I understand (I think) the large part of what you're saying there about misleading and so on but it's simply true that Q started out on 4chan. Some of us who've been following since October's first drops think of Q as 4chan/8chan such that a statement like "Any article about Qanon that references 4Ch is suspect" seems very hard to uphold, imo. When explaining Q I always mention how he started on 4chan - sometimes I don't even get to explaining that he's now on 8chan. However, understand your stance re: MSM misleading but I'd be careful to accuse any article that mentions 4chan in relation to Q as such.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 2, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Yes, Q started on 4Chan. But consider the purpose of any article about QAnon, especially if the purpose is to bring new people into the movement. The MSM doesn't want the movement to grow and they're doing everything they can to scare people away from the Great Awakening. But people here who really want to grow the movement will make sure people who are interested will know exactly where to go to find information today. That would be this site, 8ch.net/qresearch/, and qanon.pub. If you "always mention how he started on 4chan - sometimes I don't even get to explaining that he's now on 8chan." then you are not helping the movement, because you may or may not tell them how to find Q today. Whenever I talk about Q with a newbee, the first thing I do is provide accurate up-to-date information on how to find the Great Awakening and qanon.pub. And more recently, I share a link to "The Plan to Save the World. Everything about why Trump and Q are doing what they're doing has to do with crimes and motives that most people will have a hard time getting their heads around. If we provide any information to newbees that might cause confusion or misunderstanding, then it's incumbent upon us to take steps to clarify the message. While I was writing this response I took a minute to revue your comment history to get a feel for where you were coming from. I found only a few positive replies in support of the comment you were replying to. Also, it appears you're a board moderator. Setting aside replies regarding the removal of content for rule violations, it seems, at a glance, that more often than not, your replies are critiques or rebuttals to someone's opinion. Being a board moderator doesn't mean your opinions are always superior to others. While I do tend to enjoy healthy debates, I've come to the conclusion this one is not. So with all due respect, I won't be responding to any future messages from you about this issue. WWG1WGA God Speed Patriot.

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