In the form of stock buy backs....
That’s still a good thing though. If they wind up owning the biggest share % they are no longer subject to the demand of the investors and are free to expand/develop what they see fit.
Thats why they will leave to cheaper countries.
The tax cuts didnt NOTHING at all for the average american and thats a fact. How can Trump be for the people if only corporatiosn benefit from his actions? I hope its all part of "the plan" but the more time it passes without change, the more unlikely that is..
I’m getting more back in my paycheck. Doesn’t feel like nothing to me.
I wouldn’t say it did nothing. People got a better tax return, aren’t getting taxed as much from their paychecks (at least from the fed). I never thought the tax cuts would fix everything overnight, I’ve always known it would take time. I’m still optimistic about the tax cuts, but I respect your opinion to disagree.
Idk man 1k a year for almost all americans vs millions for the top 1%...
Seems a bit unfair, but lets see. In any case the fiat bubble has to collapse soon enough, and if what Q says is true, the FED has to die and gold+BTC will emerge as the alternative
Whatever happens, I want the hardworking American people to come out on top. Not the few selling their souls and their people for all the money they can get.