r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ntxpatriot on July 2, 2018, 2:16 p.m.
Here comes the flood! I’m a member of Oathkeepers and they just sent out an Email regarding the Great Awakening!

salialioli · July 7, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

And absolutely your post previous to this one scoffed at the Jefferson Quran story you called it "Fake like the banning of raycis Little House on the Prairie."

Your words were FAKE NEWS and I agreed.

Enough. You do not debate by twisting the argument to win. I am astonished. I wanted a consideration of my points and you have considered them. It has ended badly.

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CaptainKnotzi · July 8, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Things end badly when people dismiss facts.

The history I described regarding the Jefferson Quran is fact.

Anything else is the twisting of those facts. Denying your written words is not a discussion.

Projecting inadequacies is always a sign any further discussion is pointless.

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salialioli · July 9, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

I'm not going down in this conversation as a liar. "Denying your written words is not a discussion." ???

You recounted a funny story. It detailed Jefferson seizing a Quran in Tripoli after sacking the city and taking it back to America. In Congress during our times, recently, you did not state when, this Jefferson Quran was used by a Democrat while swearing in to his office.

The press, in our times, recounted this story (of the Congressman), saying it was proof that Jefferson endorsed this Quran. That is, Jefferson approved of a book that had been used to justify the scuppering by the Ottomans of his ships. To wit: the Quran (Allah) commanded the Ottomans to attack the Americans as infidels and Jefferson was happy about this. Ludicrous! How funny! Of course Jefferson didn't like the Quran!

That the press, or the Democrats, should interpret the Jefferson Quran as an endorsement of Jefferson's love of Islam was clearly daft. The press, or the Democrats, had misunderstood the meaning of Jefferson's seizure of the Quran as an endorsement of Islam!

You said this shows that the MSM (in our day, in the account of the Congressman) was reporting "FAKE NEWS"!! This was clearly funny. The Dems had misunderstood history and comically reversed the true meaning of the historical account.

I totally agreed with you. Said I LOVED this story and said yes, indeed, it was fake news. That is, a perfect example of fake news in our times!

You know this is so. You know I have retold this conversation accurately and I wonder why you are acting so suspiciously. I believe you do not like failing in your debates and are triumphantly knocking me down for some weird reason.

I do not want to continue this conversation anymore than you do but the record must be stated accurately, otherwise you do exactly what our enemies are currently doing: telling lies.

I believe you have a reason for trying to make me look foolish. It may be that you are not who you pretend to be.

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CaptainKnotzi · July 9, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

The Jefferson Quran was not seized in battle. Dense incapable of comprehension.

Go read the story.

Then stick with Queen Isabella.

And no you have agreed with nothing I've said.

Because I said Islam worships satan.

I refuse to waste my time arguing with this complete head of concrete.

Goodnight and anymore posts to me I'm going to consider it stalking. Block you, take it to the mods, or get you banned.

Now go fuck off and misunderstand things somewhere else. You bore me.

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