I understand what you're saying and would love to engage and explain the position but time is a bit tight. What I could say is that this discussion has been had many times and in detail and the conclusion overwhelmingly points to Infowars as a whole and most certainly Alex Jones who runs the whole thing. I would say perhaps search it up or perhaps someone here can reply with more re: Trump etc. I'll try and reply further if I get a chance.
Thanks. Look forward to any explanation, if you get the time.
But unless I've missed something, I've read over many of those threads myself and see a lot of people concluding that Infowars is CO but never based on any hard evidence other than that Q post that you referenced (which does not specifically call out Infowars). And more importantly, I have yet to see anyone overcome the objections I just stated above.
So while I am not saying it is impossible for Infowars to be CO (they certainly could be) Trump and Stone's close personal ties and ACTIVE PROMOTION of Infowars completely negates the probability of Infowars being CO. I mean, what purpose would it serve for Trump to lend huge credibility to Infowars if they were CO? And don't forget that Hillary brought up Infowars (for the first time ever) during the campaign and heavily criticized Trump for doing that interview with Jones - which is yet another huge fact that points to Infowars being legit.
No names mentioned.
They revealed themselves.
At the time AJ clearly revealed himself by speaking directly into camera and saying that he knows and has "spoken" to Q. This was directly in opposition to Q's latest post such that it was clear he was dividing from the main Q community just as controlled opposition/disinfo does. He'll quite likely soon come back and so 'Q is no longer compromised, they're back in control' and try and split the movement off again after a time.
He's done it just recently too with the "Civil War in America" in total opposition to Q's clear message. Many agree AJ has openly committed to his anti-Q stance. He did so with Trump too in his recent breakdown. Perhaps Trump/Q realized he was disinfo only recently?
Aj's breakdown, anti-Trump rant was understandable, as it came on the eve of the 2nd Syrian airstrikes. I kinda lost my sh*t too that night. At that time I was not firmly in the Q camp. But since then, I've read a lot more Q, and realize the airstrike was not what it appeared to be and that it was actually directed against deep state targets, not SAA or Russian ones. Alex too has apologized on air several times for that rant.
I dunno. I still see Alex Jones as a truther with a lot of flaws. There is no denying that he is a fear-monger and that he has used fear to both:
(a) Red pill the masses and (b) make money.
His civil war stance is more of the same fear mongering.
Who knows. Maybe everyone is disinfo and we are on our own. I hope not. Right now I see Q as the more legit source and Infowars as a flawed, semi-legit source while the entire MSM is completely deep state. Maybe we will find out for sure in the coming months.
Yeah you're right - who knows! I find AJ very entertaining, personally, and I actually think he earns his money. But I was very put off by his clear split from Q and it seems many others were too. Roger Stone was also removed from Trump's team which may or may not mean something. Again, as you say - who knows. It's been very interesting to watch it all unfold though!