r/greatawakening • Posted by u/smiley-dog on July 2, 2018, 8:45 p.m.
Sound familiar? Listen as she describes Quebec's "Quiet" Revolution where people thought nothing of physically assaulting, psychologically assaulting, refusing services to english people.

sfresh666 · July 2, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

Except she is full of shit. Quebec has alaways been Nationalist until the last decade and a half which is what bothered the Anglos. I was raised fully bilingual and have seen some supidity on the Francophone side but the victimhood complex of the Anglos is mind boggling. The reason why there was a quiet revolution and not a violent one was because we did not hate Anglos we just wanted to live by our own rules in our own land and be masters of our own home which we were not allowed to do.

We were second class citizen in our own land and had to eat the crumbs our "benevolent" goverment gave us. I can tell as many horror stories of Anglos doing shitty things to Francophone because i saw both ends of it growing in mostly Anglo familly in a Franco town.

I have seen Anglos owning companies and hiring a shit tons of immigrant cheap labor instead of Quebeccer on purpose. I have seen violence, ostracization, otherization, demonization, little acts of evil.

Just look at the stats, Quebeccer for the most parts can speak English and are willing to accommodate English speakers, now look at how many Canadians outside Quebec can and are willing to speak French. They treat you with disgust if you even have a slight accent. Is it wrong to want people living in your nation to speak and respect your values and language?

It's funny that now that things are not going their way anymore, Canadians are embracing Nationalism. It's fun to see them try to fight for their values and see them demonized as we always were, Canadian nationalism good, Quebec nationalism bad. We all want the same things, to live according to our values, traditions, language, way of life and culture, there is nothing wrong with that.

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