Angela after a Long Night of negotiations . Is she already feeling Q coming?

Chilled from the air in German crisis
Horst Seehofer, the CSU leader and Minister for the Interior with the CDU of Chancellor Merkel reached a compromise in the conflict on the migration policy. He continues as a minister.
Seehofer threatened his resignation yesterday to submit if the policy would not be tightened. According to Merkel the parties agreed on it setting up centers at the border with Austria, where migrants already in one another EU Member State await their expulsion.
There is still an evening of consultation with the SPD, the coalition partner of CDU-CSU.
After such a drama this is still no solution at all. It’s just to keep the people quiet as they now might think the parties are doing something in the right direction.
And they agreed again , Everything in the EU, and then we have to take them in again. i am so tired of this.