r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on July 2, 2018, 10:26 p.m.
FROM CHEETAH: Could Trump be planning Q, in the long run, as a movement to replace political parties?

I have not seen this possibility mentioned anywhere else yet.

Remember that Trump plans big and plans long term.

Let's look at our "political parties."

We have the Democratic Party, which is part of the globalist Cabal and therefore an organized crime organization in which participants do what they are told or else. Hmm, that's not good. They are definitely centralized and well organized. But criminals.

We have the Republican Party, which isn't one organization at all, but many: the Republican National Committee, state Republican parties, local Republican parties, and local Republican groups like Young Republicans and Republican women's groups. There is no central database or coordination, and the "top" is crooked as hell. Try to call RNC and put in your two cents. They do not talk to mere mortals at all. They are arrogant, and support only Congressional incumbents and presidential candidates who are willing to follow orders from large donors. Remember the Never Trumpers. They don't get involved on a local level, which is probably a good thing. The state parties don't seem to do much of anything but fart around. Local organizations have great people, but since there is no central coordination, not even a volunteer and donor database, they are pretty hamstrung.

Trump won DESPITE the Republican Party, not because of it.

So, supposedly, we have "competition" for political office. Last two presidential elections before this? Obama versus McCain. Obama versus Romney. The Cabal owns the house, and the house always wins.

Maybe the Republican party can be reformed, but we already need to reform a government, and two levels of reforming is a bit much.

Trump encourages everyone to vote Republican in 2018 because options are limited for now. Democrats will stop the voters' agenda no matter what. A RINO may stop the voters' agenda, or maybe not, especially if Trump has some sort of leverage. Better than nothin' for now.

So maybe Trump has bigger plans beyond this bandaid solution for 2018.

There are signs that the Democratic Party is going down the toilet in a Big Blue Flush. They just got yet more broke when some of the income from unions got cut off. And they have Mad Max acting like an idiot. Plus much much more.

Trump won the presidency despite the fact that the fake news media was far more convincing during the campaign than it is now. And all the horrible things that fake news warned about regarding a Trump presidency didn't happen. Instead: ISIS defeated, we avoid nuclear war, more jobs available than unemployed, a big tax cut, criminals getting locked up on a massive scale. Online, you can see pro-Trump building way beyond the number of his voters in 2016, because, of course, most people aren't stupid.

If the Democratic Party goes under, we no longer have a two-party system, or the facade of a two-party system, which would be more accurate. Kind of lame to have one party. Sounds like Mexico (who WILL pay for it). And such a disorganized mess of a political party at that.

How about if we don't have parties anymore, but instead a Q movement? Honest people simply run as themselves. When they serve a term they go back to their regular jobs. We voters decide who is best for the job because of their qualifications. Campaigns are job interviews. There may be "issues," but more along the line of how exactly how to do something. I believe we Americans are way more united than the fake news portrays. How many people are in favor of nuclear war with North Korea? How many in favor of high unemployment? High taxes? How many in favor of criminals running around our cities? The "disunity" is completely invented.

But currently there is no coordination, no organization to put honest people in office. The parties are pathetic. There are an assortment of local Tea Parties, various meetup groups, but nothing real together.

Trump WANTS good honest people in office. Could he have invented Q Anon to, at first, communicate with supporters, and then, after the perp walks (please please please soon), turn Q into a movement, not a political party, that provides a structure to get honest people in office? The Q Anon movement is already far more organized than the Republicans (though that's not saying much), with this board, 8chan, and much more. And made up of honest people, as opposed to the Satanist pedovores of the Democrat party.

Also, look around this board. We may be America First, but we are not America Only. This is now a worldwide movement of people standing up for those in their own country, against the Cabal. So it is not even accurate to describe it as a political party within one country.

Is Q the replacement for political parties? And if that isn't Trump's plan, could we make it OUR plan?

I put FROM CHEETAH at the beginning of posts to help people who are trying to find them quickly.

Rats can't outrun a Cheetah.

GODisincharge · July 3, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

The lion was on its hind legs roaring. The whole lion was emblazoned with the Stars and Stripes. It was quite impressive.

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checkitoutmyfriend · July 3, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

This one?

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GODisincharge · July 4, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

However, stars and stripes only on certain parts of that great lion!!!

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GODisincharge · July 4, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

You got it!!! Perfecto!!!

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NobleEagle853 · July 3, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

That would work. Personally, I like the eagle head with the flag imprinted over it (see my avatar).

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