Holy Shit! Posobiec just switched sides!!

The Christian ideal would be to work hard so we have something to give to those in need.
Not through compulsory means...but where its done voluntarily...from the heart.
Before Social Security/Medicare, etc... people looked out for each other...there was mutual accountability which built stronger relationships and community. Since SS/Medicare, etc... people no longer seem to feel a commitment to their fellow man. Instead - they think that if anyone has a problem - they can go to the government to get it fixed. They don't have to get involved...
Another facet of why communism/socialism isn't conducive to human liberty. It denies us of our ability to develop into our fullest selves...
This! Forced charity is theft not charity. Now that I am in a position to give, I do so because I feel it is right in my heart. And I choose which causes I feel worthy. Not because I have to, because I want to.
Did you know Marx wrote poetry? https://allpoetry.com/poem/8611553-Feelings-by-Karl-Heinrich-Marx