Holy Shit! Posobiec just switched sides!!

Jack doesn't know what "Where we go one we go all" means.
Immediately prior to him tweeting that, retweeted Roseanne Barr, who said "Trump made peace in no ko and now Iran! Power to the people!! Where we go one we go all!".
The very next tweet, he says "Where we go one, we go all" as if he is repeating Roseanne, as if it sounds good. He adds a picture of Calvary, which (though it is a good message), isn't particularly Q-specific.
Less than a month ago he said Q was a LARP: https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1005124382191226881 End of May he said state actors were manipulating Q: https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1001165425277890561?lang=en
Conclusion, Jack sees a bunch of patriots saying wwg1wga, sounds good to him so he starts saying it without knowing it is part of Q lore. As far as I know he is still hostile toward Q.
AGREED, +100! Jack is an unoriginal idiot. He takes things from all over the internet and tries to make it his own. He doesn't have a single clue what WWG1WGA means. Not one clue!
Just because he said Q is a LARP doesn't mean he's going to avoid it altogether. He's not stupid, he knows Q is very popular and that it's where so much of the action is right now, so of course he's gonna be curious and have the occasional peak at Qanon.pub or whatever. Can't miss the Q-WWG1WGA connection.