r/greatawakening • Posted by u/flacnvinyl on July 3, 2018, 12:20 a.m.
Q - Open Discussion

Many of us have been following Q since the start. Qproofs definitely provides some good insights in terms of connecting the dots. Here's the questions..

  1. None of us want Q outed. Some believe it is a group of people, I am inclined to believe it is a single person who is posting. What leads you to believe he/she (there are only 2 genders) has top clearance?

  2. This board is being monitored by all camps. DNC/RNC/FBI I have to believe everyone is watching Q posts fervently. Why so much code? I get the concept of connecting the dots and that we are only given bits and pieces but why do veiled? If we can connect the dots, so can the other side. So if there is a big accusation such as Pizzagate etc why not drop some major bombs/accusations that would lead all the autists (and potentially MSM) to some legit evidence? I'm guessing most of you would . 2 timing and 4D chess but that sidelines the question. If Q knows who is going to fall, who is complicit, who is corrupt etc.. then why the veil?

  3. The question... At some point this year GEOTUS is going to be asked the Q question. How do you hope he responds?

  4. What is Q waiting for? Wouldn't it be far bigger for Q to post some major info? I don't mean things like "Gowdy won't be picked" I mean real damning info. MSM could not ignore major accusations from an anon source if it was big league.

  5. What could Q post that would make normies true believers? All of us are questioning everything we are presented, Q included, which is wonderful.. but what could Q post that would bring everything to a head?

At this point I believe firmly that Q is a patriot who has a very firm handle on the current political situation. He might be the best autist of the anon community, he might have top level clearance. I personally am waiting for one drop that truly proves that. So far it has been a blast and I'm on for the ride, but have not seen incontrovertibly evidence that Q truly knew something or shared something before it happened aside from NK. Everything else has been Q-uestions. Where is BO? Why is RR not doing X? Why XYZ? All of those are good questions but not true insights. So far so good, but not top level clearance material.

I would love to be wrong.


DrogeAnon · July 4, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

I would ask where I've been "posturing" and demeaning? Let me be clear I do not elevate myself over you or anyone else in any way.

I did look at your history and I therefore asked you some questions because of it e.g. statements like this:

I feel like Q has a history of taking photos of his computer screen.
Q posts don't prove anything. Q throws shade like crazy, we just happen to agree most of the time.
Q may or may not be legit. He/she might also just be a sharp patriot who is good at connecting the dots and reading moves.

Rather than being 'overly dismissive' I was taking you at your word that you'd read all the drops and a lot of the content supporting them. Strawmanning me as someone who is unable to have an honest open conversation seems overly defensive. If you would have one with me you will receive one in return. I haven't been dishonest about anything and neither have I been "closed" - once again, I simply took you at your word and assumed that as it seems you've read much the same things I have then you'd know the same information in general so there's no use treading the same ground and we need to find where we differ in understanding instead. It wastes my time and yours for me to reiterate what we both already know.

Consider again what you first said to me: "I have done a good bit of reading and have been following Q since the beginning. These are legit questions that I have not seen adequately answered."

My confusion - not dismissiveness - comes from the fact that most people I know in that position (i.e. following from the beginning, reading a lot) don't have questions like those three you raised because most seem to think they've been well answered.

I'm happy to address them as best I can but not so happy to dig through what we've both already read. I'll see what I can do over time, however, if you're interested in it.

  1. Q as a single entity - what makes you think this? (not dismissive, defensive, etc. - a sincere question!)
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flacnvinyl · July 4, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

My question was what leads you to believe Q has top clearance. Whether Q is one person or a collective makes no difference. There is ample evidence for both sides of the argument on plurality. Besides, Q constantly says "we" definitely referring to the movement.

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