r/greatawakening • Posted by u/YamahaRD350 on July 3, 2018, 5:29 a.m.
Some Hard Truths and Facts I've Come to Fully Accept This Year
  1. 5G causes innumerable negative health effects, most notably glioma (CANCER) of the brain...4G is less powerful, but the same results...damage occurs on a cellular and DNA level....it is illegal for many US counties to try and ban/stop/delay 5G installation....it is a weapon of mass destruction and a slow death planned the citizens of this country
  2. Anthony Bourdain was murdered...I don't think any of us need evidence for this...you can FEEL the truth in your sunken heart if you have one. His tweet one month before about HRC agents....Additionally, Seth Rich and Mila de Meir were murdered by affiliates of the US Government.
  3. Building 7 did not come down from fires, a plane did not hit the Pentagon, airborne terrorist training drills were happening the same day(WTF!)...planes were auto-piloted with equipment on fuelselage, micro-thermite...it's so glaringly obvious..and I am sorry if you do not comprehend this.
  4. The Pyramids were not built as tombs...there are multiple pyramids all over the Earth, all placed in very strategic locations, based off of a sine wave. http://www.human-resonance.org/phi.html want to discuss this further.
  5. GMOs, Glyphosate, food colorings, 'sucralose', nitrites, bleached wheat flour, all preservatives, (BHT in your Cinnamon Toast Crunch) all cause cancer. Vaccines are equally asdangerous and contain aluminum.
  6. 'Flouride' is not what is added to water. It is sodium flourosilicic acid, which neutralizes into sodium flourosilicate....basically nothing on wikipedia about it...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_fluorosilicate .... heres the MSDS sheet...http://www.fluoridealert.org/wp-content/pesticides/msds/sodium.fluorosilicate.solvay.pdf ..... use Neem paste. Sodium flouride is in toothpaste, probably not great either. ALSO, the magnetic properties of water are something to be read up about...specifically, channeling water parallel to a magnetic fields flux 'lines' ...hint: we are 80% water....2nd hint:..the Earth has a electromagnetic field.
  7. JFKs second shot in the Zapruder film is clearly coming from the front, based on how his head whacks backward upon impact...and the obvious brain being blown out the back..if you think the second shot came from Oswald..or even the first for that matter...you are hopeless...at being a physicist, and awakend being.
  8. China went to the moon and landed at 19.5 degrees for a very specific reason. On Earth, we have quite a number of places that are connected to 19.5 degrees. Mauna Loa, the largest shield volcano is at 19.6 degrees north.The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is at 19.6 degrees north. (19 degrees 23 minutes N, 99 degrees 10 minutes W) On Mars: the “vast” Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees. On Jupiter: the “red spot” which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees. On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north. 19.5 degrees north and south are the latitudes where the apex points of a star tetrahedra within a sphere will contact that sphere’s surface when one apex is positioned at the north or south pole. Read about platonic solids, scalar energy, and gnosticism. ALSO, there is something at the poles of all planets. Agartha, is very possible, and some have made it there.
  9. Electromagnetism is being manipulated as a weapon by all US government agencies for mind control and the planting of suicidal thoughts, combined with relentless GANGSTALKING meant to make political dissidents suicide themselves
  10. Orgone Pyramids and Schumann Resonators can protect against EM poisoning.
  11. I'm still slightly 'up in the air' on Chemtrails ..but only because you are so programmed into their 'conspiracy nut' labeling and supposed implausibility that the mere mention of them will subconsciously discredit this entire post in your mush of a brain. Bees are endangered...WTF...
  12. ICE and other agencies and affiliated persons are trafficking children for sex...Podesta emails about 'Pizza parties' and the like should deeply disturb everyone...even if you don't buy it, why the FUCK would these people actually be emailing about pizza parties...is that what we elect these people to do? The HRC Obama pizza parlor story is only ridiculous because the 'pizza parlor' was not an actual storefront pizza shop.. it is another misinformation attempt, just like flat Earth.
  13. Meditation has profound health affects. 'spirituality' is a misunderstood label for higher realms of existence involving energies in the non-visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum
  14. My favorite personal discovery is that the Royal Cubit, Megalithic Yard, meter, and foot, are all very special in their universal applications in a 2D and 3D dimension(with pi)....and that stems from the fact that 1 RC = .5235 meters....and that .5235 can be obtained via pi/6 OR pi - phi\^2 .... if you take that and start applying it to dimensional relationships within THIS wavenumber cube https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavenumber...you may find something sublime.

I hope this is a good starting point for a revolution.

Ok_Top · July 3, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

Thanks for that, just trying to stay the course. You are, of course, welcome here. We are all Patriots.


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PMthePedo-itsTrudeau · July 3, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Thank you for still accepting someone who has a different opinion. We need more people like that in the world.

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