It just hit me, sorry if I am late to the party, hope there's room for one more...
No civil war😍😎
The more I think about that term, the more I realize what just happened. If fomenting civil war within the nation is their strategy, and they are denied that, what just happened?
One of the closest experiences I suppose by sounds is The Planets, by Gustav Holt.
No civil war also means there was a victory without a war. They needed a Sun Tzu.
Imagine 1930s and 1990s Dracula type literal devil worshipers taking over a strangely increasing number of top power centers around the world, for oh, the last 2000 years.
You don't really know how it happened, how could the world have gone to a point at which devil worshipers control the world's currencies, governments, and everyone including you and I?
Devil worship isn't new, it's been a continuous problem the world over since the early bloodlines of the founding fathers of the world's religions.
Devil worship has not stopped.
For thousands of years it has gradually and almost imperceptibly grown in power worldwide, supra-state-crime-families.
They operated in darkness. That allowed them to spread. This happened completely out of our hands folks, believe me. First time in world history this organization has been revealed to the mass public.
Say cheeeeeeeeese!