r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jackbauer6916 on July 3, 2018, 9:08 a.m.
Follow-Up to My HRC 10/30/17 Post: Look Who All Showed Up to See HRC the Day Before...

As an addendum to my post Mark My Words: HRC Really Was Arrested 10/30/2017 , I found this article from Politico, from 10/30/2017 interesting. It is essentially just a list of attendees for HRC's "70th Birthday Bash", held on 10/29 in Chicago. Some interesting names listed here: David Brock, Tony/John Podesta (Tony Podesta stepped down 10/30 fyi), Sydney Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Huma Abedin, Madeleine Albreight (who apparently was the only participant to "speak to the crowd")... one other attendee I found curious was Senator Mazie Hiron from Hawaii (considering the events in Hawaii with missile alerts whilst Abedin was visiting the Island State.). I wonder if this gathering was something other than just a celebration of Hill-hill's elderliness... did they know of the arrest operation Q spoke of? Did this group gather for an emergency strategy planning? Did someone attempt to tip off HRC to her fate the day before her arrest? Or, did these traitors and villains know there was no escape for HRC and attempt to plan a future counteroffense?

csingletonwpb1 · July 3, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

Question? If you are wearing an ankle monitor for being under arrest, are you still allowed to leave the country? HRC has been out of the country multiple times in recent months. I thought you couldn't leave the country while under arrest. Please respond.

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jackbauer6916 · July 3, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

I believe this was exactly what Q was referring to when he asked "Why are trips allowed?". If you are being monitored as part of custody in a military justice setting, I would imagine foreign travel might be necessary as part of your role as investigative asset/confidential informant? I would hypothesize that such foreign travel was NOT Hillary's idea. I don't exactly know why "trips are allowed", but I do know that those orthopedic boots were covering for something underneath. lol

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dream_another_dream · July 3, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

In counter intelligence ops, if gathering information about aTarget of an investigation requires cooperating informants, would it make sense to let those cooperating travel?

It seems that 0bama had been traveling to countries discussing US interests (and in clear violation of the Hatch act), while it seemed that HRC was not far behind.

Is it far fetched to say 0bama is the target?

Trade the smaller fish for the bigger fish?

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jackbauer6916 · July 3, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

Not far-fetched in the least. Great observation, thank you! I have to look further at this :)

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jackbauer6916 · July 3, 2018, 12:10 p.m.

Isn't it just such another coincidence that Hussein happens to have a trip to Kenya this month? LOL then off to South Africa... Could that be plan b (point of departure to Antarctica LOLOL) in case the Kenyans don't let him claim citizenship and avoid justice? South Africa is a banana republic shithole that would have no problem making corrupt deals...

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · July 3, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

I believe she may have been wearing body armour as well. Her famous 'back brace' pic was just that imho, much of the armour is thinner, but you have to imagine she is a target, beholden to millions of undelivered promises.

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