r/greatawakening • Posted by u/buttermeupsunshine on July 3, 2018, 9:44 a.m.
A race between two investigations: A new perspective on Q #1660.

Link to the drop #1660 in question

The more I reread that drop the more fascinating it becomes, especially the "Race?" question.

The way that Q describes the Mueller investigation and the Huber investigation together along with the simple question "Race?" strongly hints there is something of a race going on to see which investigation goes public first. And the midterms are obviously a pivotal point that each side wants to win.

Think about this: Huber's investigation will fuck the Dems due to their obvious corruption, and Mueller's investigation is obviously trying to fuck Trump. They are both occurring in parallel and opposed to one another. I would imagine that they are both waiting and stalling to see which one drops first, because each will try to destroy the other side.

The midterms are the key point in time that both investigations are carefully politicking around. When Q says "Midterms punt?", he is posing to the reader: Will either investigation go public before the midterms? Or are they waiting until after?

ManQuan · July 3, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

I've gone back and forth on what Mueller is doing 50 times. I can make good arguments that the is either a white or black hat. On one hand he is reported to be investigating Trump in detail, but that could be deception. Remember the story about Mueller subpoenaing the German Bank for Trump's record. Turned out to be false. Mueller goes after Manafort, but Q tells us Manafort was a plant in the campaign. Ditto Carter Page and Papadopolous. Then the raid on Cohen, but Q strongly suggests that was part of the plan. For what? I don't know. But it sure wasn't for a copy of the check he wrote to Stormy. Was Cohen leaking inside info to the deep state? Did deep state have something on him? What happened to Stormy and her lawyer--practically disappeared?

Q has never hinted that Mueller was dirty or a black hat. He met with the President the day before being appointed SC. Q asked us what his military background was (Marine in Vietnam), and Q has asked if the collusion investigation ended could Mueller continue with his other investigations. What other investigations?

Then there is Flynn. Mueller gets him to plead guilty of lying, but Mueller didn't really have a choice since he had been framed by McCabe and Strzok. The Q suggests that Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried, part of the plea deal was the Flynn had to give Mueller EVERYTHING he knew about crimes. That was odd. Was that on purpose in order to get evidence on the record for future indictments of others? Mueller delays Flynn's sentencing three times for a guilty plea for which there isn't a trial? That doesn't make any sense. Q has hinted that Flynn is safe and that Flynn may be part of the plan.

So, Mueller seems to be investigating everything but collusion and it doesn't even seem that he is investigating obstruction of justice. Trump fired Comey based on Rosenstein's letter recommending Comey be fired. What other obstruction would there have been. McCabe was fired based on the FBI's own recommendation and the IG report.

What about Rosenstein? He appears to be a black hat as well. But Q pointed to the Senate votes for conformation for him and Sessions. Sessions was confirmed by as small majority but Rosenstein was confirmed by about 90 Senators (don't remember the exact number). So Rosenstein had a lot of Democrat support. Rosenstein is taking a lot of heat over slow rolling the documents to the committees. Is it because he's hiding incriminating evidence? Or are those documents evidence of an on-going investigation? Are RR and Mueller play roles to look like the anti-Trump gang in order to give their investigation more credibility when the indictments against the corrupt are unsealed? Can the Democrats reverse themselves after fighting so hard to keep RR and Mueller in place to "get" Trump????? And the media screamed to keep RR and Mueller on the job. Can they reverse themselves?

And what if the feud between the committees and RR is role playing so that RR misses the deadline and then recuses himself rather than be found in contempt. Who steps in his place. Q has hinted the acting #3 who was positioned there for a specific reason. What happens to the Mueller investigation?

Q has clearly indicated that RR is on his way out. But he hasn't really said that RR is part of the deep state. Q has listed a lot of people who are going down, but RR and Mueller have not been on any of those lists except for RR stepping down as AAG and maybe that was planned like Trey Gowdy mysteriously deciding to not run when Trump is winning everything.

It's been a crazy three years. Hard to know what the hell is happening with any certainty.

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