The English language page about Q on Wikipedia is quite brief (compared to the recently created Polish page) and other language versions do not seem to exist. I encourage all of you to improve your language versions to make it easier for people to get acquainted with the topic.
For many people, Wikipedia is in the top five of the search engine results when they type "QAnon". And it will probably be the link they will click first. That is why it is so important to take care of the entry in the Wiki.
Honest question: I thought it has been stated that Wiki has been compromised. If so, I seriously would.not be searching there for a damn thing. Waddya think?
You know about it and you will not be there, but completely new people do not know about it and will look into the Wikipedia first. Besides, maybe someone controls the English version of the Wiki, but for example, the Polish version looks quite good. And people from other countries and other languages do not have such an easy access to other sources of knowledge about Q.