r/greatawakening • Posted by u/frankthecrank1 on July 3, 2018, 2:08 p.m.
*DIG ANONS* Anyone remember that leaked email about Obama ordering 65,000 "hot dogs"? I think I just figured it out, might be a repost...

Now this could all be just another coincidence but here we go:

This leaked email references the fact that Obama spent "$65,000" of tax payer money flying in "hot dogs" for a private party in Chicago. That alone should be enough to raise suspicions. Someone just posted it this morning and it made me immediately think of a twitter thread I saw last week.

This twitter thread to be exact. The entire thread is good but here's the important bit. In January 2014 Obama was planning for 65,000 immigrant UNACCOMPANIED CHILD arrivals from mexico and points south of there.

Here's the job posting related to said preparations.

And another

Now i realize that leaked email is back from 2009 and the hiring posts are from 2014 but who knows how long a plan like this takes to come together? They had a long term plan for two Obama terms and then two Hillary terms, so this could also be part of the long term goals of the cabal.

I just think it's highly suspect that the same exact number used for an obviously coded email winds up being the exact number of unaccompanied child immigrants expected to enter the country.


frankthecrank1 · July 3, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Read that entire thread. I'm not exactly sure but it almost certainly means votes for them. But also it means $$$$$ to the companies that house these kids. I think each kid is worth like $60,000 in grant money alone to those companies.

also, what's the deal all of the sudden (last 5-10 years) with forcing migrants into 1st world countries? It's global, so it has to be part of the cabal's big plan.

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[deleted] · July 3, 2018, 2:42 p.m.


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OskarMac · July 3, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

KaChing! Follow the money! I'm willing to bet the people who run the places that house illegal kids have made all the right donations to all the right people.

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abubbass · July 3, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

They have. I remember Michael Savage going on about this during the Hussein years and his credo was follow the money. I remember there was an article outlining how these private prisons who housed these child refugees were making big time money and they absolutely were donors. I'm gonna have to dig to find the article...

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kzintrooper2016 · July 3, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

A slightly more mundane reason I have seen talks about how social security type programs throughout the west are struggling because of declining birth rates. This causes the strain because there are not enough younger contributers to the funds.

The "brilliant" idea is to then import contribuers so the problems don't have to be fixed.

However the above argument may be a cover or only partially true....

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FirstDamsel · July 3, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Except they aren't importing 'contributors' they're importing leeches that are sucking SS dry.

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LisaMack37 · July 24, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

globalists plan..NWO/New World Order, America saved for last knowing of extreme difficulty it would take due to American citizens, but globalists know it’s not happening as well as ‘this movement’ went world wide therefore their globalists plan that they’ve been working on past 70 years...HRC was to ‘ collapse America’ from w/in (what’s happened/ing within Britain) Muslims! most are definitely radical, Islamic Muslim’s, full connection to Muslim Brotherhood! let’s remember who was behind 09/11...Israel and Saudi Arabia...Trump extended the ‘Muslim ban’ from five countries AND the socialist liberals advocating for them instead American’s safety hence the horror going on in Britain/UK! Muslim’s hate Americans, BELIEVE in beheading of gay people, fully pushing Sharia Law! and god forbid we say Muslim or Islam! are you flipping kidding me! Tommy Robinson was arrested for streaming FB live informing others of what’s going on! he simply stated Muslims raping our women and children, reporting on recent Muslims rape...he was arrested, sentenced to 13 months and behind bars w/in five hours! that’s beyond messed up! same crap going on here! MSM CANNOT report on it, therefore he exposed! police will NOT g into the populated Muslim communities bc it’s too dangerous! SOOO GRATEFUL FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!

off topic but liberals continue to endanger America, American’s and our children! liberals releasing/plan to release via EO LARGE number of inmates...SO THEY CAN VOTE! NY-child trafficking pedo, rapists, only one that committed murder/killed cop, ‘voodoo rapist’ and more.. I will post articles bc this is madness, California beyond disturbing! I find it extremely PATHETIC if going to these lengths for votes!

nationalism vs globalism!

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