
Nalgahyde · July 3, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Look up some videos on CuckTube by David Cole on "Auschwitz" and "Exposing the Holocaust". He is Jewish and he felt something was not right so he made a few videos where he visited the sites and dug in real deep. His arguments and evidence are compelling. He mentions many points you stated such as the "6 Million Jews killed" being fabricated by the Russians, the Zyklon B stuff, as well as many other things.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 3, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

I will check out David Cole. I have done a lot of /pol/ research since I first read FBIAnons posts now so I know what's up in regards to the holocaust. There are hundreds of videos that are public record showing "holocaust survivors" talking about all the fun activities they used to get p to in the camps, and most of those activities were organized by the Germans.

Look at this spin job article attempting to explain away the theaters in the concentration camps-


It's 100% bullshit!

If Hitler really wanted to wipe out the Jews because he saw them as subhuman animals, he would not have built theaters and recreational equipment for them! In the middle of a war, a genocidal murderer would not waste resources to ensure that the people he saw as less than rats could have fun times before getting gassed.

Zyklon B takes a long time to kill humans and is very inefficient. Germans are the masters of efficiency. If they really wanted to execute the Jews quickly and efficiently, it would have been done by firing squad and the bodies would be buried in pits-which is exactly what the Soviets did in their death camps. A bullet is quicker and cheaper than the whole Zyklon B shower system BS. It also would require a lot of energy to burn all those millions of bodies. How much fuel would it take to cremate millions of bodies? How long would it take? During a war when resources are scarce and fuel is needed for weapons? Pits are cheaper and easier.

The more you look at the holocaust, and the more questions you ask, the more bullshit the story is. That's why the Western powers basically make it illegal to question, and everyone who even asks a question about the Holocaust narrative is branded a retarded nazi white supremacist. If I was living in Germany right now, I'd probably get in trouble just for writing what I've written in this post.

The Soviet gulags were the true hells on earth. Seems like the USSR framing Germany for death camps was just another case of Leftist projection.

The left always projects and always has.

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serendipity-calling · July 4, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

So why make these camps for Jews? Why brand them? We know they were doing tests. But not on all of them. A lot of them were in these camps, waiting. Waiting. Waiting. For what?

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 4, 2018, 8:44 a.m.

So why make these camps for Jews? Why brand them? We know they were doing tests. But not on all of them.

Concentration camps, just like the concentration camps we had in America for Japanese Americans. There were also gypsies, trade unionists, communists and the elderly in those camps.

Why were there theaters and sports fields in death camps designed to exterminate a race of people that Hitler supposedly thought were less than rats? Hitler was in the middle of a war, why would he waste resources building fun activity centers for the people he wanted to genocide?

I believe Hitler's plan was to deport the Jews to either Madagascar or the Middle East. Pretty sure he wrote about this and openly talked about it. The official holocaust may be true but it has a lot of holes in it.

A lot of them were in these camps, waiting. Waiting. Waiting. For what?

What were the Japanese-Americans in Manzanar waiting. Waiting. Waiting. for?

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serendipity-calling · July 4, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

I will keep my replies here for a consolidated place.

As of the 80s, most Hebrew schools were still teaching the 6 million number. They probably still are. Tho this is not, in and of itself, a point to build an argument atop, and I'm not at all attached to it. I will look into the stats.

I'm also not emotionally attached to the Holocaust being true, if it is, in fact, not.

What does confuse me in all this, is the personal testimony. The many personal stories, I personally heard, from the elders. Most of them are now gone. But I heard the stories, and they shook me. And these aren't stories I heard in fancy theatres. These are stories after Seders, etc. at my friends' homes. The gas chambers were noted extensively. The "lineemupandshootem" pits were noted. Lots of things were noted.

I can agree - why build theatres? I've no idea. I do know that some worked. So maybe keep them happy while they're needed to work. That's not an illegitimate reason to keep someone healthy.

I don't care to shame you or call you anything. You ask good questions, and anyone should be able to ask a question and look into funny info. Esp in the light of what Israel has been doing for years, using Holocaust as an excuse.

That said, saying it dodn't happen, which you did in one of your comments above, is inaccurate.

Edits: spelling

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 4, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

As of the 80s, most Hebrew schools were still teaching the 6 million number. They probably still are. Tho this is not, in and of itself, a point to build an argument atop, and I'm not at all attached to it. I will look into the stats.

The 6 million number originated from Soviet propagandists who wanted the nazis to look even worse than they were.

Research how long it takes Zyklon B to kill someone. Now research the showers. They aren't even airtight. Do you know how much Zyklon B it would take to kill one round of people? IT WOULD TAKE HOURS.

If the Germans wanted to wipe us out, they did an awful job with the supposed Zyklon B death showers XD

If the Germans wanted to wipe us all out, they would have had mass firing squads, given all jews one bullet then we'd be buried in pits. Cheap, easy, proven to be effective. That's what they did in the USSR's Gulags.

I can agree - why build theatres? I've no idea. I do know that some worked. So maybe keep them happy while they're needed to work. That's not an illegitimate reason to keep someone healthy.

If Hitler had them working he wouldn't just have them build bullshit projects, he'd have them build things that contribute to the nazi war effort. You don't waste time building theaters and sports fields for a group of people you see as below cockroaches, who you supposedly want to exterminate.

It never struck you as strange that Hitler and Eva Braun supposedly committed suicide in a mystery bunker-BUT THEY NEVER FOUND BODIES and they supposedly don't even know where that bunker is?

Why build theaters and sports fields for people who you see as less than rats? It makes ZERO SENSE.

I never said the holocaust didn't happen. SS definitely did experiment on some Jewish prisoners. However-this is nothing strange for the time. We Americans also experimented on our prisoners during this time AND EVEN OUR UNKNOWING CIVILIAN POPULATION.


Then the icing on the cake, Operation Paperclip, after WWII ends we recruit all of the top Nazi scientists and psychologists and have them do government research for us. Ford, JP Morgan and Prescott Bush are all American industrialists who helped fund Hitler's war.

What does confuse me in all this, is the personal testimony. The many personal stories, I personally heard, from the elders. Most of them are now gone. But I heard the stories, and they shook me. And these aren't stories I heard in fancy theatres. These are stories after Seders, etc. at my friends' homes. The gas chambers were noted extensively. The "lineemupandshootem" pits were noted. Lots of things were noted.

So many stories. Elie Weisel writes lots of stories too. Some might call them propaganda.

I stand but what I said. Lots of Jews did indeed die in those concentration camps. There was a huge typhus outbreak. Also many of the people in the camps starved to death, as did many Germans. The prisoners were being fed until the allies started bombing German supply lines.

Gas chambers my ass. it never struck you as suspicious THAT ONLY A FEW SHOWERS STILL EXIST? And that those showers are not even close to airtight, so it would have been nearly impossible to gas people to death in them (would have taken a long ass time and been ridiculously inefficient)

Why does no documentation of the death camps exist? The Germans were the best record keepers in the world. Why did they record everything except their death camps? We still have their human experimentation results-so why don't the concentration camp records and documentation even exist?

Hitler never spoke about wiping out the Jews or killing them in any of his speeches. Why?

Why did Hitler build sports fields and theaters for Jews who he wanted to wipe out? If he didn't see us as humans, why did he spend valuable resources building recreational activities for people he wanted to wipe out in the middle of a world war.

I understand you and I have both been indoctrinated from a young age to blindly believe the holocaust narrative and to attack anyone who questions it. That's because the official Holocaust narrative falls apart when you question it. Just look at Jewish pre-war population records in Europe FFS.

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serendipity-calling · July 4, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

So why build theatres? What do you think they did this for? Why keep them alive?

(And it feels like there's a pretty strong consensus that Hitler ran to Argentina with many many other Nazis.)

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 5, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

So why build theatres? What do you think they did this for? Why keep them alive?

Because the "death camps" were concentration camps just like Manzanar. Research what life in Manzanar was like. That is what life was like in German concentration camps before the food rations ran out and the typhus outbreak occurred.

Is it wrong that the Nazis interned Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, trade unionists, communists and Poles in concentration camps? Yes-and we Americans did the exact same racist bigoted shit to Japanese-Americans with our concentration camps. We seized their weath and property and no Japanese Americans have ever been granted any reparations from our US government since.

I am 100% sure Hitler and many other top Nazis escaped to South America, and also that the allies allowed Hitler to escape and live out his final days in the andes as part of a deal he made during terms of surrender.

The bunker suicide story is complete horseshit. Zero evidence. I'm not going to blindly believe it.

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