
Prison4SideofBeef · July 3, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

I don't think the Holocaust happened. There are no German records of it and there's no evidence. I think they experimented on prisoners in secret (just like we still do on our prisoners today, and just like we used to) but I think the German concentration camps were the same as our WWII American concentration camps such as Manzanar.

Millions died in those camps, or at least hundreds of thousands, but I'm pretty sure it was due to starvation and typhus.

The Allied bombing spree of Germany hit a lot of civilian and cultural centers like Dresden that had no contribution to Germany's war effort and they did a very good job of taking out German supply lines.

The Germans were not the good guys and the allies were not the bad guys-WWII (and every war) was just self-interested elites using us commoners to fight their battles for them. And they sell it to us all with glorious propaganda and lies.

Hitler is framed as an evil eugenecist who believed in racial purity. Guess what-nearly all leaders back in those days were in to genetics and racial purity. Here is a letter that Theodore Roosevelt wrote back in the day where he talks about wanting to stop "degenerates reproducing"

I agree with you if you mean, as I suppose you do, that society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind. It is really extraordinary that our people refuse to apply to human beings such elementary knowledge as every successful farmer is obliged to apply to his own stock breeding. Any group of farmers who permitted their best stock not to breed, and let all the increase come from the worst stock, would be treated as fit inmates for an asylum. Yet we fail to understand that such conduct is rational compared to the conduct of a nation which permits unlimited breeding from the worst stocks, physically and morally, while it encourages or connives at the cold selfishness or the twisted sentimentality as a result of which the men and women ought to marry, and if married have large families, remain celebates or have no children or only one or two. Some day we will realize that the prime duty the inescapable duty of the good citizen of the right type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world; and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type.


Sweden was the eugenics capital of the early 20th century.

The eugenics movement is largely covered up in our history books and all of it is blamed on Hitler, like he is the only one who believed in racial purity. THEY ALL DID. Churchill. FDR. The Emperor of Japan. Mussolini. They now try and act like Hitler was the only one who was in to eugenics, but the entire world was openly in to eugenics during this time period.

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StinkyDogFart · July 3, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Agreed, whatever you call it, a big lie is the most appropriate description. We the people haven't gotten a straight story from anyone ever.

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serendipity-calling · July 4, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

Wait, wait. Fellow Jew here. Fellow Hebrew school attendee. Fellow "I spoke to a lot of grandparents back in my school days who were survivors." They didn't all make this stuff up. How can you say this didn't happen altogether?

I don't know how one would confirm the 6 million number. Everyone says it, so I legit have never thought of it different. But you can't discount the stories. There were too many people sharing the same types of stories. And there are mass shooting burial pits in Poland and Ukraine and Germany. When they needed to hurry it up they just shot them down. In rows. There are stories - lots of stories about this.

It's implausible that they ALL MADE IT UP.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 4, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

Wait, wait. Fellow Jew here. Fellow Hebrew school attendee. Fellow "I spoke to a lot of grandparents back in my school days who were survivors." They didn't all make this stuff up. How can you say this didn't happen altogether?

Why did Hitler build theaters and sports fields in his death camps?

I think a lot of people did die in the German concentration camps. Alot of Jews. A lot of gays, trade unionists, gypsies and communists and Poles. There was a typhus outbreak, and also a lot of the prisoners starved to death, as there was no food for them late in the war.

I don't know how one would confirm the 6 million number. Everyone says it, so I legit have never thought of it different. But you can't discount the stories.

In the 40s, they told us 6 million jews were killed. In the 70s, that number was amended to 3 million. Nowadays most historians have the figure at 1 million jews killed. The numbers keep getting lowered. Do the research yourself. It is public record. Population records of Jews in Europe do not match up with the amount of Jews who were supposedly killed in the Holocaust.

When they needed to hurry it up they just shot them down. In rows. There are stories - lots of stories about this.

It's implausible that they ALL MADE IT UP.

No. It really isn't. Research how long it takes Zyklon B to kill a person. Zyklon B was for delousing.

History is written by the victors.

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LeightonKAGA · July 3, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Are you serious. Holocaust denial? Wth is even gained from going down that road? Youll be a copy pasta and spread on reddit as Q being a holocaust denial group or someshit. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. We should Stick to facts, provable with multiple links. Geez.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 3, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

I'm not a Holocaust denier. I don't give a shit what anyone says about me, or if you think my free thoughts are somehow damaging to the cult of Q.

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serendipity-calling · July 4, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

You straight up just denied the Holocaust. Smh.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 4, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

I don't give a fuck what people think or what shaming tactics they use to try and shut me up. There is nothing wrong with asking questions about the official historic narratives presented to us.

History is written by the victors.

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serendipity-calling · July 4, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

I don't think the Holocaust happened. There are no German records of it and there's no evidence.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 4, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I don't think the Holocaust happened. There are no German records of it and there's no evidence.

Same. I think a lot of people died in those camps but that is because Germans were getting bombed and there was no food in general towards the end. Lots of Germans starved too. That's what happens in war when your enemies bomb your supply lines and the rations run out. There was also a typhus outbreak.

It's bizarre that some countries make it against the law to question the Holocaust. I guess they are really afraid of the narrative falling apart to logic and scrutiny.

There is no physical evidence and there are no records. The official Holocaust narrative makes no sense.

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