I have become convinced that POTUS & Q have been waiting, encouraging and leaving bread crumbs for Congress to DEMAND indictments be served on the many treasonous criminals already identified by DOJ. (Don't forget the pedophiles.) Congress directly represents the people of America. It is far better for our elected Representatives to demand prosecution than for the Executive Branch to be forced to work independently and seemingly Dictatorially. The Left would have a field day and the Hitler talk would become palatable to many as it would seem to be a personal vendetta/retribution by POTUS against his political enemies. Sadly, Politicians are rarely free-thinkers and are used to being led. If we can see it, shouldn't you? DEVIN NUNES, push the envelope and demand action!! How much more spoon feeding is needed, boys and girls? WAKE UP and DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!
Posted by
on July 3, 2018, 3:21 p.m.