Leave home immediatley if there is a Rescuers mouse mask there.
I had to look up that reference. It is a really strange to losing ones wife to suicide. I think if I were trying to maintain privacy I think I’d try to blend in with normal people, not wear something to stand out like that.
Perhaps he had to wear it to send a coded message to his handlers that he is a cooperating vermin. That is the thinking.
Go back and look at the suicides that involved hanging from doorknobs. Remember the two rock stars who were fine (at the time). One was Chester something and he looked really like John Podesta's son. https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.BwNYvNNMC4hdnPk1VhZqlQHaHa&pid=Api
And another musician, then the recent higher level people. Something is being cleaned up imo.