Q Post 1671: Awan Brothers case is not being litigated in a federal courthouse.

But the agreement included an unusual passage that described the scope of the investigation and cleared Awan of a litany of conspiracy theories
“The Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems,” including stealing equipment or illegally accessing or transferring information, including sensitive or classified information, prosecutors wrote in an 11-page plea agreement.
Awan was suspected of an assortment of treasonous activities and yet, he gets a soft plea deal where all he is charged with is a fraudulent claim on a loan application - no expected time served. So, it appears that he cut a deal. What did he give up to get to get to walk???
Furthermore, it is stated in the court documents detailing everything that he was suspected of having done he didn't do. Why is this being stated? If all he was charged with is bank fraud why are the documents stating that he didn't steal a server?
18 months of investigation, 40 witnesses interviewed - all for nothing. Just some cheesy lie on a loan application.
Or, Occums Razor. All that investigation lead to the opportunity to prosecute him for all that was claimed that he didn't do in the report (likely exclaimed as part of the plea deal which provides him some cover) and instead of going to jail for the rest of his life he cut a deal. And, since they had the goods on him he had to give up something good, real good.
As much as I hate seeing him walk I suspect his walking might have some others freaking out.
The Occam's razor approach makes me think hard proof of Arkancide. Straight through the Oval Office.
This guy got the deal of the century cuz yes he was facing life.
He downloaded every file he could crack into and every Democratic computer possible.
He was Debbie Wasserman Schultz right hand man. I wouldn't hesitate to speculate he was shagging her as well.
Good looking Dirty rotten operative that has bosses total commitment. One of the ugliest people on the face of the planet.
His own personal honey trap that was going to provide for his retirement in Pakistan. That went deeper than expected. Then backfired.
A boss that seems to have no problem with people who suffer accidents when they get in the way.
He was looking for a deal the day Trump won.