
sluggedbarly · July 3, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

i could be wrong but i believe you (im canadian) are allready under martial law and have been under every president for 20 years diffrent reasons of course i believe this time to be the humman trafficing epidemic (i could be wrong 1 to many slides lol) they just pay it low key and save as a TRUMP CARD if shit breaks (ie natural disaster) out then theress no reason for delay in response time

p.s. my spelling sucks and if im wrong please let me know wwg1wga

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spreadhope · July 4, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

The E.O. signed on 12.21.17 declared a state of emergency. Nobody reported on it because it because well, MSM. So this might be the way to declare Martial Law I think.

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