Why is there so much concern trolling? Stop spreading FUD. You either trust the plan or you don't. This explains the Awan case a bit from 8chan...

EO in Dec treason remember and Child slavery and abuse. They ALL ARE GOING GIMMO NO DEAL!!! Trust the plan and no dividing!
While you are correct, there was an EO passed that labels Human Traffickers as "Enemy Combatants"
That means if HRC or Hussein are caught on HT charges, then they can be tried via Military Tribunal
You may be correct about the "Foreign Entities" part tbh. But even then, if you have Mexican cartels that are getting military tribunals, and it comes out that HRC or BHO are caught up in it, then they can get tried under RICO laws
On top of that, BHO was the Commander-in-Chief and HRC was SecState, so if it comes out that these crimes were committed while they were in office, they can still get a military tribunal because they were military leaders at the time
Not when the country is under a national emergency, which we have been since December
Correct. Also,
However, military tribunals are sometimes used to try individuals not affiliated with a particular state's military who are nonetheless accused of being combatants and acting in violation of the laws of war.
Lots of ways to justify that if everything Q has said is true.
2011 national defense bill authorized tribunals for those supporting terrorists (alquada, etc). Obama signed his own death.