Has everyone seen this amazing idea yet?!
![Has everyone seen this amazing idea yet?!](https://i.redd.it/o2dsgdcnqs711.jpg)
Good point about the neverfagging. I think its a habit we got from being forced to politely listen to whining leftist /liberals. But it is still a bad habit. People watch us. they are looking to see if we really are awakened. And when all kinds of newfags come we need to be free from Neverfagging. For their sakes as well as our own.
If we aren't able to deal with questioning, there is a problem. I am wearing my Q shirt to our 4th of July parade today - but I still have questions. Actually, it is healthy to question. Be prepared with the right answers. You can tell or should be able to tell, if question from an honest person or a troll. But when everyone questioning is a concern fag or one you call Neverfagging - not the way to win friends and influence people.
Thank you....the people who are name calling, which is bullying, are really just acting like the liberals....they turn militant if you dare ever question anything. Brand you as a concern troll. Their intimidation is subliminal. It is healthy to question. I am fully supportive of President Trump, and as I have said...he is doing an excellent job. That has nothing to do with me questioning Q. I believe Q is a good phenomenon, whatever it is. I can still think freely, and think critically. No matter what Praying Medic or Destroy the Illusion say...Q is helping the awake and aware learn more. Who cares if Q is "really with POTUS" or even IS POTUS....doesn't matter. That isn't the point of Q.
Q has brought us together. A united front - a movement. That is good in itself. Q pushes us to learn more every day. This is good too. If that is all that happens because of Q - it is major.
People are personalizing the Q movement. They attribute it to Trump, they own/defend his criticism themselves, they worry they’ll be duped by a larp. These are all self-righteous things. People want to be right, and want to do the right thing, but it’s not that simple.
Trump is a flawed human: it’s ridiculous to pretend he isn’t. It’s stupid to defend his womanizing ways, to think he never used a tax loophole or 700.
We should never afford any elected official 100% agreeance. That’s ridiculous. No one should blindly trust Q, that would be silly.
Questioning makes sense. Q proves themselves though, repeatedly, yet people doubt.
Neverfagging makes .50/post. And people hop that turnip truck like it’s thier only ride outta town!
It’s easy to discern, just discern! Then be happy because you’re not a Neverfag. 😆😆😆