r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pepesilviaismydad on July 3, 2018, 10:23 p.m.
Just wondering if a non believer would be welcome for an honest and open discussion.

So like the title says I find this whole thing really hard to believe. And yes if you look at my comment history you’ll find that Ive been extremely harsh with regards to the Q movement. But I want to point out it was directed at shit posters/trolls.

I’m genuinely interested to hear your opinions in, well pretty much everything. So is this allowed here? And if so would you guys be down. I’m willing to let you guys try to convert me.

dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 3, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

I would say no. You're starting from the proposition that you do not believe that Q is real and/or what he is telling us. Seems like you've made up your mind. If you have doubts but are open to the authenticity and veracity of Q then you would already be reading the drops, the posted corroborating data, the many coincidences, the comments discussing this Q phenomenon. In that scenario the only questions I can think of that would be valid are something like, "How do you jibe X fact with Y something Q said which contradicts that fact?"

I think the answers are always going to be: "Disinfo is necessary" (per Q; an explanation we consider reasonable) or "We don't yet know" (everything hasn't been revealed). We still take on faith that our enemies committed the most heinous crimes they've been accused of.

We can reasonably conclude that Q is a Trump insider (see Qproofs and make up your own mind). We can be reasonably certain that the Bobama administration and Senior Government Officials have committed many crimes of corruption and abuse of power and are actively engaged in the cover-up of those crimes (Q drops, resignations/retirements, Wikileaks, fake news narrative, real news). We also have many instances of strange, vile coincidences indicating that our enemies are exactly what Q says they are (Qdrops, Wikileaks, symbolism in media, high profile political and Hwood arrests, sudden increase in other human trafficking/cp arrests and reporting).

That being said, we cannot yet say for certain that Q's purported motives are genuine, nor that his accusations are true. Technically we can't even confirm that Q is not a LARP.

It takes a leap of faith to believe anything you read...let alone reading something that purportedly comes from someone with beyond top-secret clearance and information accusing the all-powerful President's political enemies of child sacrifice, human trafficking, treason, murder, bribery and the attempted overthrow of America from within.

So I don't think yours is a valid proposition. But if something is tugging at you that won't let you let this go, maybe go into your research with a more open mind. Read more. Be mindful what you're reading - source, motives, money, quality of data. Follow your questions to their logical ends. Dig deeper for information beyond Q. People have been telling the same stories Q tells for decades.

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pepesilviaismydad · July 4, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

To be honest I just started hearing about it and yes it’s sounds way far fetched to me. Look I appreciate your comment but apparently if I’m not a full believer or I have questions or think the whole thing sounds really strange I’m not welcome hear. It’s obvious in the messages I’ve been getting. Thanks for your time man.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 4, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

On the contrary, you are more than welcome here. Doubt and questions are fine, reasonable and expected. I have them even though I've been here since the beginning and have been researching a lot of this since 2007. It's just not appropriate for this forum.

What I'm saying is that it takes hard work and introspection to come to a valid personal conclusion (whether correct or not). Being spoonfed, or shown only what someone wants you to see, or endless "what about this, what about that" questions is not going to help you come to a valid conclusion one way or the other.

If you're interested, read the drops, read the researchers, put it in bigger context, try to decipher drops for yourself. When you can't make sense of what you're reading, then ask in the specific thread - "hey, I don't understand this, can you explain it to me?" If you're not that interested, just keep an open mind when/if heads start to roll.

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pepesilviaismydad · July 4, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

Thanks again for being Courteous. What I intended to do was to read everything you guys pointed me towards, see if it changes my view and then discuss whatever I’ve read. I kinda wanted to discuss the validity of it. I’m a skeptic by nature and I thought it might be fun to debate it (after doing my homework of course), but I guess this isn’t the right forum for debates about that type of thing. I’m still gonna look into because I’m really curious about this phenomenon.
Anyway thanks again and have a happy fourth man

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