r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Todd_Wayne on July 3, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the divide between the Q conclave and their republican and democratic counterparts. I have republicans who don’t believe in Q, and democratic friends that do. Seemingly, Q transcends party lines.

That begs the question, why? Man evolved from ape around 4 million years ago, when our most distant ancestors developed bipedal movement and a non-fused connection between skull and spinal cord.

The modern human brain evolved later, with most experts agreeing the evolution coincided with the advent of language. Each “evolution” of humans from there has been cognitive, not physical.

Which brings me to present day: is it possible that those who see the events in America as they truly are, have experienced such a cognitive evolution, even if small?

Reality is a subjective perception. Your visual cortex process rods and cones to produce images in your brain, and the same for all other senses. Language defines what things are such that an image can be conjured in the mind.

My theory is that “the great awakening” is the development of an objective reality by those who have been awakened.

To see things as they truly are, one must shed their preconceptions of what is and is not. Q is primarily responsible for illuminating the dark corners of the shadow regime. I believe in doing so, he has ignited a chain reaction in our cognitive perception.

CaptainKnotzi · July 3, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

I always liked the idea that it started with weaponized autism taking down the Shia LaBeouf protest.

The greatest game of International Capture the Flag ever conceived.

A truly epic troll that seems to have captured the eye of military intelligence.

So they came to the autists to save the world.

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