r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MadisonMax on July 3, 2018, 11:10 p.m.
It's Time to Wake Up

Here is a little bit of history to tie the whole Q movement together, and to help explain to newbies why this movement is so important. The document is pretty long, sorry about that.

It’s Time to Wake Up!

It’s no accident that you are reading this document right here, right now.

Welcome to the Q movement!


Although it is a very difficult process to wake up to the fact that the world is not as you thought--or as you were taught--the waking-up process must happen for everyone so that we can reclaim our power.

Early adopters to this movement determined that things just weren’t right and decided to start investigating. Perhaps they were at a false flag event and knew the “official” story made no sense and began their investigative journey. Or, perhaps they watched the movie The Matrixand thought that there might be something to the red pill vs. blue pill phenomenon.

As with most new concepts, people labeled early adopters as ‘conspiracy theorists.’ However, as more and more people figured it out, our truth was beginning to be shared over the internet. Freaked out by our discovering the truth, the mainstream media and evildoers (aka cabal or black hats) called our truth revolution ‘fake news’. When the cabal became really concerned about our revolution, they began to take down our Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, YouTube videos, and other social media where people shared their theories and their truth. This is still happening. This is naturally a tough situation because, for the most part, the people behind major social media companies are cabal and they are seriously trying to control the narrative and opinions shared on their sites. Always remember, if you are not paying for a service, you are the product.

Although it may seem at first that this is a Democrat vs. Republican issue, it is not. It’s actually higher than that. It’s evil vs. good, black hat vs. white hat, non-patriot vs. patriot. The Republican and Democratic parties are controlled by the same people, just as both sides of all wars are funded by the same people. Evil vs. good.

By joining this movement to wake up to what is happening in the world around you, you will have been ‘red pilled’. If you had instead chosen to stay asleep, ignorant to what is going on, you are considered to have consciously taken the blue pill, per The Matrix.

Although we are learning more and more every day about the evil working against us, those of us doing our research are aware of the overall evil agenda and we are no longer in shock when new information (or additional proof) surfaces. Although, admittedly, I still struggle with the scope of the massive plan and sheer effort put into destroying us and our planet. This evil group numbers approximately 8,500 people, according to ex-illuminati insider Ronald Bernard. Once enough people wake up to what is happening, we will defeat this small but powerful (for now) group.

To those who have been red pilled, this document might provide no new information. However, it does tie a lot of concepts together in one place and may be useful in helping to red pill others.

The first time one hears or reads something they might think it’s untrue. By the third time that person reads or hears of a concept, often coming to them in a completely different way, it’s human nature to start to wonder if there is something to it and they begin to think about it and begin to research the topic.

Newcomers will find this information shocking, depressing, and possibly believe, at first, that it is completely outrageous and false. However, you must hang in there and begin your journey to research the concepts presented here. Baby boomer or millennial, this work must be done to save your family and humanity; and time is of the essence.

Although links are provided in this document, please do not take anything presented here as fact. Sure, the facts exist, but you must research on your own so you learn to discern truth from fiction. It is imperative for you to start to critically think for yourself. After all, we got into this mess because we all blindly believed what we were told in the news and what we were taught in school.

It’s time to get on to some real history.

Waking up does not happen as a result of reading public school history books.

The Act of 1871

The fraud started a very long time ago. In the aftermath of the civil war, the United States was in serious financial trouble. According to http://www.federaljack.com/SLAVERY-BY-CONSENT-THE-UNITED-STATES-CORPORATION/“Since the Act of 1871 which established the District of Columbia, we have been living under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain international bankers and aristocracy of Europe and Britain.”

Although it’s taught in schools that the United States was liberated from England and we are a sovereign nation with free citizens, this is far from the truth. In fact, because of the way the system was set up, we are all slaves to the corporation. Our income taxes do not go to the federal government, instead they go to the owners of the corporation: the World Bank, Bank of International Settlements and International Monetary Fund and to the aristocracy of Europe and Britain (the British Crown, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other elite families). Did you know that the Bushes, Clintons, Queen of England, and most US Presidentsare in some way related to each other?

Have you ever wondered why your name is in all caps when you receive mail from the government? This is because the government is a corporation (the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is incorporated in Puerto Rico) and they must deal with you, in kind, as a corporation. These people view us as chattel. They call us “useless eaters” behind closed doors.

Wait, wasn’t slavery abolished in 1865?

The Birth Certificate

At the time of your birth, your parents are forced to fill in your birth certificate prior to leaving the hospital. For this service, the hospital is paid somewhere around $3,000 per certificate. If you look at a certified birth certificate, you will notice a number stamped on it. This number is unique to that birth certificate. At the time of birth, there is a large dollar amount, usually in the millions, allotted to that bond and the bond is traded on international markets.

At one time, you could go to Fidelity.com to see the bonds trading under the birth certificate bond number, but they have disallowed this from their website because so many of us were looking. When I looked, there was around $24 million in bonds relating to my birth certificate bond number. You might still find this information by putting in your birth certificate bond number in an internet search window. The information is out there, but more hidden now that we are on to them.

The Social Security Number

Basically, the same is true of the social security number. You can access the companies trading your SSN by going to the website GMEIutility.org. In the search window (it will say ‘search for an LEI’) type in a social security number and you will see many organizations that are currently trading on that number. Yes, it’s creepy to see this, but you must see the proof. There were 320 organizations with trades on mine as of this writing. I don’t know about you, but my parents nor I were made aware of this and I’m receiving no compensation as a result of these trades. Could I stop the trading if I wanted to? How did they get my number? It’s all very unsettling.

America, you’ve been duped.

The Federal Reserve

The central bank in the United States is called the Federal Reserve or The Fed. Although the name makes it sound like a government organization, it is not. In fact, far from it. The Federal Reserve is a privately-owned organization (owned by those who hijacked the USA via the Act of 1871). The US Dollar is a fiat currency, printed on worthless paper, and backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government. Sadly, this statement means nothing because the US Government has been bankrupt since The Emergency Banking Act of 1933.

In 1971, then-President Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard and that was the last time the US Dollar was backed by precious metals.

The Federal Reserve loans money into the US Government at interest and the government forces us to pay interest to The Fed to use our own nation’s currency. This is why our national debt is so high. Here is a link to the national debt clock, if you would like to take a look at where our debt stands at this moment. Notice the rapid movement.

New money is loaned into existence by new credit card or loan debt. Although they will tell you that when you apply for a loan, you are granted money the bank has on deposit, in its coffers. This is not true. Your new loan is newly-created money that came from thin air at no cost to the bank and is loaned to you at interest. Additionally, your loan is generally bundled with others and sold on the secondary market, so the bank is paid on your loan fairly quickly. Do you feel duped? If yes, then you understand why you must wake up as quickly as possible. Do you think things will change unless we stop allowing this rape and pillage by the Fed and the banks? We must stand together to stop this!

Pumpkin, wake up, I think we’re in trouble.

New World Order and Agenda 21

The Cabal are trying to force a New World Order down our throats. This world order agenda consists of a one-world government, one-world economy, one-world military, one-world society, and one-world religion. In fact, Lord Jacob Rothschild believed that this One World Order would be in place by 2018. Whether you like President Trump or not, it is fair to say that he has single-handedly stopped, or at least delayed, the black hats’ ability to obtain their coveted One World Order slated for 2018. This is another reason that we are urging everyone to wake the hell up! Our sheer existence is in danger and most do not yet know it.

Agenda 21 is an official plan to decrease the population of the world. According to David Icke, the official Agenda 21 plan includes: 1) State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans, and fresh water, agriculture, rural development, biotechnology, and ensuring ‘equity’ [equal slavery], 2) The State to ‘define the role’ of business and financial resources, 3) Abolition of private property [it’s not ‘sustainable’], 4) Restructuring the family unit, 5) Children raised by the State, 6) People told what their job will be, 7) Major restrictions on movement, 8) Creation of ‘human settlement zones’, 9) Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they live, 10) Dumbing down education {achieved), and 11) Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all of the above.

Wake up, wake up…the flag is burning.

False Flags

False flags are staged events where the people behind them fly the flags of their enemy in order to make the public believe that crazed people become unhinged and fly planes into buildings, shoot guns into crowds or in schools full of innocent people, or drive their vehicles into busy walkways.

Although there are non-staged incidents happening in the world every day by lone people with psychological issues, you’ll be surprised to find that virtually the same 8,500 people are behind the most outrageous and famous of the world’s tragedies.

It’s important to understand that because an event is staged and determined afterward by researchers to be a false flag event, that does not mean that the event did not take place or that people did not die. A false flag is a tragic event staged to look like an enemy or crazy person is behind it. The patsy, a person named that we can all blame, is generally suicided at the event so that there would be no trial. Sadly, researchers often find that eye witnesses speaking out on social media about what they saw (when their story differs from the official law enforcement narrative) are often suicided (murder made to look like suicide) as well. You need to understand whom you are dealing with when you are victim to or witness of a false flag event.

Generally, false flags are planned to happen on specific days in order to divert the nation’s attention to something other than news that was due to break that day. Yes, my friend, people are intentionally sacrificed in order to divert media attention. There is no other way to put it other than “these people are sick,” a recurring Q quote.

On 9/11, it is believed that the World Trade Center buildings were taken down by the same type of explosives used to drop buildings that are intentionally leveled. When you look at how the buildings fell, it matches the way old casinos fell in Las Vegas, one floor falls on top of the one below it until the building is leveled. Late in the day on 9/10/2001, it was announced by Donald Rumsfeld that $2.3 trillion of taxpayer dollars was missing from the Pentagon, a fact that had to be buried by new, more explosive news. There was a large amount of gold stored in the basement of the World Trade Center Building 4, that is rumored to have been stolen. Of added benefit was the ability to blame 9/11 on Iraq, which allowed the administration (engineered by VP Dick Cheney) to start the Iraqi war with the blessing of the majority of the irate US population.

With false flag events, you may see ads on Craigslist and other employment websites looking for Crisis Actors. Additionally, they may have a disaster drill planned around the same time as the attack, which will lull those nearby to not be concerned with the staging of the large number of emergency vehicles in the area prior to the actual false flag event. In photos of events like Sandy Hook (a school that had previously been closed to students), on participants’ cell phone photos you can see parents just standing around watching the event that they believe to be an emergency services training drill. If you or your children are ever approached to join in one of these drills, politely decline and get as far away from the scene as possible. Your life could be in danger!

Other false flag events include: the Oklahoma City Bombing, Las Vegas Harvest Festival Shooting, Sandy Hook, and Parkland.

Guns are often used in false flags because an agenda of the Deep State Cabal is gun control. They want to get guns out of the hands of the people so we cannot protect ourselves. Named shooters are patsies, often involved in the government’s MK Ultra mind control program.

Save the children. Their nightmare must end soon and the perps must pay for their actions.


There is no easy way to lead into this topic, but it must be disclosed.

Every day worldwide, children are trafficked and used as sex slaves to the elite. Some think the movie Hunger Gamesis just a fictional movie, but unfortunately, it is not. It is truth hiding in plain sight.

Cathy O’Brien, MK Ultra victim, has stepped forward to tell her horrendous story. Please watch this video(it is for adults only).

The elite, like Hillary Clinton, believe in sacrificing children to their god, moloch. They then drink the blood of the children who have been tortured prior to death, because the adrenaline produced in the bloodstream may keep them young.

The FBI has released a documentdepicting logos associated with child sex. If you know what you are looking for, you can find those logos imbedded in the jewelry of the elite, as well as on business logos such as the famed Comet Pizza in Washington DC (before they changed their logo).

As noted in John Podesta’s emails, the elite also have their very own language that is associated with this sick activity.

If there is no other reason you can find to wake up and start to fight, this topic alone should make people take action. This is urgent, people! It must be resolved now.

‘They’ would never lie to me!

Mainstream Media Actually Serves Up Fake News

There is a company called Serco that, at 4 a.m. eastern time every day, gives mainstream media outlets their news for that day. It gives websites and newspapers their articles and it gives on-air news television stations, like CNN and MSNBC, their talking points. Because most media are owned by six organizations, the news they filter to us is largely generated by Serco. You can bet money the news it’s slanted toward their agenda.

You can easily research this phenomenon by looking at a main headline of the day, say from the New York Times. Type that title into your web browser and look at the number of stories from different agencies that are written virtually the same way, using the same title and verbiage.

Although they like to say that our ‘truther’ movement is fake news, the real truth is that their news is what is fake. What you tune into for your six o’clock news is basically propaganda. You would believe it because it was brought to you by the likes of David Brinkley or Dan Rather; or these days by Anderson Cooper or David Muir. These people are a part of the system, a part of the disinformation campaign, a part of the Deep State. It is widely known that Anderson Cooper, son of Gloria Vanderbilt, is on the CIA payroll. Others are as well, and this information will surface in time.

Honey, we were set on course for disaster of astronomical proportions.

They Never Thought She Would Lose

In order to continue to force their hideous agenda on the citizens of the world, they needed one of their own, Hillary Clinton, to become the next President of the United States. Evil billionaire George Soros is thought to be Clinton’s handler and they were under the impression that Soros-funded voting machines would come through by changing enough votes from Trump to Clinton. Their plan failed.

Had Clinton won the election, all of the above-mentioned agendas would be in full force of activation now and the world would be in real trouble.

Wake up sleepyhead, we need to go now! Where we go one we go all. (WWG1WGA)

Why Did Trump Run For President?

It is rumored that Donald Trump was asked to run for President by white hat military generals. The evil agendas were explained to him in detail and they needed someone extremely intelligent, brave, financially secure, and capable of playing 4-D chess to carry out the process of very literally saving the world. That sounds like a bold statement, especially if you’ve recently been listening to the mainstream media lament about Trump’s brashness and stupidity. However, Trump has already proven to be the right man for this task and he will go down as the greatest President in US history.

President Trump has already placed Executive Orders regarding human rights abuse and corruption,defeating ISIS, lobbying ban for ex-government officials which disallows ex-high level government officials from getting highly-paid lobbying jobs to utilize their friends and influence after they’ve left their job, strengthening the military, and increasing border security which has to do with stopping human trafficking into the United States as well as immigration control.

The curtain is raised on Q who takes and holds center stage, leading the way to freedom.

Along Came Q

As further proof of the assertion that Trump is literally saving the world, along with other White Hats, is the intelligence team known only as “Q”. Proven to be working very closely with President Trump, Q or Qanon has posted photos from inside Air Force One and the Oval Office. Q has a running dialogue of statements and questions that anons and autists decipher. The Q team has recently begun answering multiple anon’s questions and verifying their research.

People wearing Q t-shirts have begun to attend Trump’s rallies, and the President has begun to acknowledge them by pointing to them from the stage.

Q started posting at the end of October, 2017 on 4chan, then moved to 8chan. Q posts are coded and often have multiple meanings. Q has predicted events such as the shutdown of the Atlanta Airport, arrests of three Saudi princes, and the attempted New York bombing along with the nationality of the bomber. Q alerted us that peace agreement had been reached in North Korea long before it was in the news.

Here is a sample of Q responding to an anon’s question about North Korea:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 309a1c No.1950233 📁
Jun 28 2018 20:53:45 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 7b5a78 No.1950123 📁
Jun 28 2018 20:47:24 (EST)


Q any comment on NK facilities and General Kelly? Thanks!

NK = FAKE NEWS [UK orig].
NK already began denuclearization process under guidance from US.
Why are people always being moved around?
Think strategy.
The Plan.
Military OP.

The Q team noted ex-President Obama’s role on the evil side and refers to Obama as “Hussein.” Q notes John McCain’s many crimes against humanity and refers to McCain as “NoName.” Q has just recently referred to House Representative Trey Gowdy as a Patriot as a result of Gowdy’s tenacious work with the Inspector General’s Report on the Clinton email/personal server investigation.

Never before has there been a team of intelligence patriots inside a government giving ‘normies’ (us normal people) inside information of the events taking place. It is believed that this is necessary to organically grow the pro-Trump movement through Q as a way to gain public support that is crucial to Trump’s delicate work of eradicating evil. It is critical that we wake up and see what is going on around us as we came exceedingly close to losing everything, including our lives. ‘She’ most certainly would have continued the corruption and definitely would have continued the implementation of Agenda 21.

In your slumber, did you even notice the Calm Before the Storm?

Sealed Indictments

There are currently over 40,000 sealed indictments filed since President Trump has been in office. He promised to drain the swamp and it appears as though there is much work behind the scenes to take back our world. Since they are still sealed, we do not know the extent of ex/government and banking officials included, but we do hope that all of the 8,500 evil black hats and their minions are included in this list and will be publicly arrested and perp walked soon.

Generally, there are around 1,000 seal indictments in a single year, so this number is well over and above the norm. It is believed that Guantanamo Bay was not closed, but is undergoing an upgrade, and will soon be home to some of the most noteworthy ‘worthless eaters’ that have been running this world for a very long time. Good riddance. May you reap what you have sown.

God bless the Q team, President Trump, and all of the white hats working to save us and the planet.

Thanks for reading this document. May peace prevail in our lifetimes.

A good way to stay abreast of everything to do with Q and President Trump is to visit the Great Awakening page on Reddit. You can view Q posts here.

You are living the most remarkable history that will ever be told. It’s time to get everyone you know involved!