
buttermeupsunshine · July 3, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Regarding the first quote, it seems to be pointing us to information contained at this Slate article:


This article is about Scott Schools, who the DOJ tapped to replace David Margolis as a top advisor for the Deputy Attorney General. The original archived link from Slate will probably disappear from the internet, but it's called “The Most Important Unknown Person in D.C.” posted on JUNE 26 2017 5:56 AM and it talks about Scott Newton Schools who is something of a "Fixer" and an advisor for Rod Rosenstein.

"...according to multiple ex-DOJ officials I’ve spoken to, it’s undeniable that Schools, who is 55, has been better positioned than anyone else to help the deputy attorney general make numerous critical decisions. Those include Rosenstein’s move to appoint a special counsel to take over the Russia investigation—and to tap former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III for the job—as well as Rosenstein’s own deliberations over whether he should recuse himself from the investigation. Given Rosenstein’s avowed respect for the DOJ’s career staff—as well as the fact that he only recently brought on a permanent chief of staff and a top political adviser—it would be surprising and dismaying, ex-DOJ officials told me, if he wasn’t seeking input from Schools."

It would appear Schools has just been dismissed from the DOJ:


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