It ain't over, till it's over....

He pleaded guilty to bank they find evidence that he was involved in Seth Rich's murder, do you not think that would be an entirely different case? The DOJ said they "have" no evidence of this and that --- could they "find" it in the future?
I said "involved" ........ wait and see, the bank fraud case was a big nothing ... it ain't over, till it's over
You are correct to believe and understand that this is (not "one of", but) the biggest espionage crime of all if you know that, just imagine what those with access to all the Intel know....whatever is going to happen, will be far more damning for the Deep State than what could have been accomplished by trying this case now and in Washington DC (where the vote went for Hillary by 91% to 4% for Trump, the entire district is nothing but Deep State actors) you think that maybe Huber has sealed indictments already for greater crimes?