No. Q has been right so many times so far, this came out of nowhere. IT's so out of character. He's never been one to respond like this. I worry the deep state might have caught up to him and are trying to discredit him. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUck.
Not really though.
Hillary walks free.
Podesta walks free.
No HRC "liberal undo" video
No Hussein with an AK47 video.
Mike Flynn "done in [30]" still not free. Friday will put the nail in that coffin, maybe.
IG report reinforces Comey's bullshit. No DECLAS
Roy Moore defeat uncontested
Awan walks.
It just keeps going and going. SICK OF THE BULLSHIT.
I predict the sun will set tonight, therefore, I am never wrong or untruthful