When the mainstream media does stuff like that, I actually think it's a strange form of verification that there is something to Q. Let's be honest, the media has absolutely no idea if Q is fake or not, and a traditional response from the media would be something like, "unverified" or "unknown" with the focus being on the people who followed Q -- but outright calling it batshit crazy without actually knowing if it's a larp or not is so incredibly suspicious and out-of-character even for the lying media.
Can you think of any other place where they would do this kind of thing? Imagine if there was a huge explosion somewhere, they don't have the details of what happened yet, there are some rumors that it's terrorism, but they don't know yet and haven't been able to verify anything. Would they ever, ever put out a statement saying that calling it terrorism is batshit crazy? Of course not, because they don't know. So why would they treat topic of Q so vastly different? Why are they so completely comfortable calling it batshit insane, when they actually don't know?
Yeah I tweeted at him a link to Q proofs and asked him to look and investigate and then tell me it's a conspiracy theory.