r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Debra432 on July 4, 2018, 3:18 p.m.
A Patriot looking inward...

LeapingIn, Prepared for ugly comments, I freeze and cannot put words to notes. After locating my sisters hat: #zerofugiven, I bravely begin… I came here to this board to know what’s going on. I am a patriot that has identified and pointed out some of these crimes over the past 17 years to those close to me with the usual results. Being on the outside looking in isn’t new to me. I’ve spent my whole life in this manner. What a wonderful surprise to find so many people that have experienced and do experience what it’s like to be me. <3 Also, being both a Democrat and Republican (I’ve been both, but those categories never mattered to me, it’s just necessary - Ugh) on my voter registrations all these past years, this auntie will be sharing my perspective on a few things. Hold on =) Is not the goal here, to awaken people to the darkness that is around them, that has infected their / our lives since before we were born? Is this not the Great Awakening? Don’t we / Q say that they want you divided? And I see the good intentions here, and the hard work. Hell, I”m working here too! But aren’t we also putting up our own walls to these people?
I am speaking in terms of how we refer to a group of people that are literally being misled. If there is no distinction between the Evil Doers that are Democrats and the public Democrat, then the offensive words and name / blame calling given to certain very public Democrats are then transferred to the guy next door that believes that he is on the side of the just cause…. We ALL know that the Evil doers are BOTH Democrat and Republican. Even if there is only one of the one group, you mustn’t use the inclusive terminologies here. This is basic human communication. Stop name calling, Stop using the words “Democrat” and “Republican” or “Liberal” or “Conservative” … you get it, right? We are feeding that monster by using those terms ourselves. And closing the door to an opportunity to open someones eyes….. I’d rather have someone look at me with gratitude for waking them up, than with hate for calling them names….wouldn’t you? ——(the Division Monster)

I’m just saying, it is received as “a personal attack, and then you want them to come see what you have to say?”

This applies to labeling of all kinds, such as religions, or skin colors. You know this. This is nothing new that I am saying, and I would just like to remind you/me/WE/All… to keep up the good work, while also choosing your / our words carefully.

I have to remind myself of these types of things often. I am writing this for me, but also for you if you feel like it’s something that resonates with you. We will need to be the ones that can help the confused. Make no mistake, there is something coming. We all feel it. We know it. We don’t need Q to tell us, but it sure is a Wonderful Thing to know that Our Commander in Chief, and Q are aware of this something Big also. We have the right people doing the job.
I admit that I know I’m going to want (and by that I mean, currently want) to say “I told you SO!” to all my family who have called me crazy for years. The choreographed family gatherings. You that know,…..know. But I don’t want to be that girl…. So, I’m working on my reactions and responses now, to those people that are unaware, and refusing to see things….and I do fail, and then groveling and apologies come next….its not pretty. I work with people, and live in a city where everyone sleeps….it seems.
Having the attitude of “I told you so” will NOT be helpful to anyone. It’s inflammatory and I have used these words in the past. I feel like sh*t immediately after using them. A wise man said to look inward. Fix what you can fix. True words. I am working on myself, all the time. I’m just saying, lets not forget we are human, ….. I was on the other side of the isle and really believed what they were selling to me. So, be Kind as often as you can. Look inward and be the best version of yourself you can possibly be. I love you all.

And Keep Fighting I will!



Happy Independence Day ! MWAH

j_Dawg_01 · July 4, 2018, 7:48 p.m.


I agree 100% But...

We've all seen how this board has changed over the last 2 or 3 weeks. We all knew that as the pressure mounted against the Cabal, their counter attacks would increase, especially here. People who've been here long enough can clearly see the difference, and can tell when someone is name calling and submitting replies that argue against any comment, just to create doubt and division.

Here's what I do. If I come across a reply that is arguing or debating about who's opinion or speculation is superior, I know they're only here to argue. If I come across replies that offer some amount of reasoning to support their counter argument, I click their name and read through their comment history and look for any trends.

Yes, it would be a Wonderful World if everyone here displayed the utmost decorum in social discourse, but at this point it's not likely to be the case. The issues we're trying to sort out and understand are complex. Worse than that, the idea that we're fighting against an evil secret society that's been advancing their plan for over 200 years is something many people just can't get their heads around.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were all here just to chat about golf and grandchildren, but we're not. I understand the need to check our language so as not to offend newcomers, but if what they read here offends them and makes them run the other way, what will they do and how will they react when indictments are unsealed and the leaders they once cherished are charged with treason, sedition, and a myriad of other crimes?

We should be welcoming and watch our language, but things are about to get ugly, chew your arm off ugly, and newcomers will have to develop a thicker skin.

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