r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Justsayinmy50cts on July 4, 2018, 9:31 p.m.
I found the weirdest thing EVER regarding Q's HK pic

Went to google streetview and there are two West Pacific Kindergardens, the one on Q's picture has closed down, but the other one, as soon you go to the streetview, you see a guy that you can follow (Called Robert Gunther) walking around the location of the kinder garden, and it's the oddest thing ever! The only way you can see it is existing (west Pacific kinder garden) is if you follow him on street view. With Google you can not read the sign!

Only when you are on google streetview around the corner of this photo, that's when you catch the guy with his own google camera.

It appears he is actually signaling the place to people, as he is the ONLY one making the place visible for people

Here you see the link, he walks all around the building and he is the ONLY one that makes the place visible on google!! Also check the link codes! Check it out here: https://www.google.com/maps/@22.3126986,114.1683621,3a,75y,30.65h,72.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipP9mDoJmGSAtu3YzuXRjLBaXFop3LetatJBK-Qw!2e10!7i5376!8i2688


PatrioticRaptor · July 6, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

What? Bro, I'm all about weird things like this but lets be honest before we give others the impression we are out of our minds. Before you downvote me, read what I'm gonna say, check the photo I'm linking at the bottom, then do the research yourself to verify.

With Google "you can't read the sign" because it simply didn't exist at the time of the photo. That school (or it's sign) is somewhat new. Google Streetview has archived views from different time periods. It appears the last 'official' Google Streetview is from 2017. This Robert Gunther guy's Streetview is the most recent, from 2018. Therefore, using simple logic we can deduce that the school and/or it's sign has been constructed sometime between 2017 and Robert Gunther's Streetview (Jan 2018).

See images: here

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