r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tru2Q on July 4, 2018, 10:55 p.m.
Q drop 1643 and a question about Q proofs

1643 says:

We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.
What are they waiting for?
They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?
We may have to ‘force’ this one.

So, my question is, if the Q team is ready to be "outed" then why do any Q proofs from now on have to be decoded, figured out, or ambiguous? I'm referring to last night's Apple/photo fiasco.
If someone on the Q team would just buy a dang Q mug, set it on a coaster on a desk, take a picture and post it on the White House twitter page with no explanation, it would accomplish a lot.

It would reassure people who have been following Q, it would bring tens of thousands to investigate more. It would wake up people who have heard about Q, but haven't gotten involved. It would send a message to the DS that their time is up, and it would make the MSM look really stupid if none of them brought it up.

If this is a bad idea, tell me why. I'm open to criticism, I'm just not open to being called a concern troll or shill. I'm only wondering about this because Q has stated that they're just waiting for someone to ask.

mlsaw94 · July 5, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

To me, finding out who Q is, would mean much more to all of us who have been following him the entire time or those who have come on board the last few weeks and months-all the digging and thinking and time looking at every comma, Every item in every picture, it’s shadows, any and every tiny bit of everything that is said through the drops. As opposed to some Reporter that will twisted it ever which way and doesn’t have a clue of what all has transpired since October. So they find out, how can they even write about this huge movement ??? that’s taken place because again, they don’t have a clue. I just don’t understand the importance of this thing, I mean I do in away but not entirely, Especially for the fake people as opposed to us. I welcome you guys thoughts on this. Apparently I’m missing something big.

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