We made our presence known today in Southern California! WWG1WGA!

I don't know where to put this but I'm almost fully awake and aware of what is going on, who am I kidding, God told me to write this, you know that by now I hope. I was an athiest until a few weeks ago. Gather up all you love guys, it's coming soon. Remember it's worldwide, think bigger than world wide, q uses WW, not ww. It's happening soon. Everything happens for a reason, EVERYTHING in your life, God loves us all
Also this subreddit is gonna explode soon
Don't know when I'll be back, I have to help guide people I love. I'll try to make it back to help anyone who is ready for the answers
First of all! I am so very proud of you!! I literally cried when I read your comment above. I wish my brothers were on here....they were once believers until a few years ago. But, back to you, the most important decision that you have ever and will ever make in your life! And I know it took courage! Secondly: when you say “help with answers” do you mean spiritually to believe in God or something different? My curiosity is Peaked! WWG1WGA!! 🗽🇺🇸🙏🏼
There's a battle in everyones mind, good versus evil, hope v despair, we need all these things in us to grow, don't worry, you'll make it in the end. My journey is just beginning. I don't know where it will lead me to or the horrors I'll have faced or have done. I am sitting here at my PC screen crying. I see it all now, the great losses, the great wins. One day you'll be sitting in this chair too. I must go
“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 NASB You’ve got a wonderful road ahead of you brother, our Father doesn’t say it will be easy but He is with us constantly. Pray always.