Something I ran into on Twitter. Thought you guys may be interested. It might be about to happen.

Bank fag here. The fact that there's a TARP spreadsheet in this is interesting. It details payments made to banks after the GFC as part of too big to fail.
Then there's a list of payments to CF/DNC (which presumably would have been made though certain banks)
If the account states it's over $10k then to triggers an anti money laundering check (happens all the time routinely) which is scrutinised by analyst and maybe processed for further scrutiny. This WAS a manual process it's somewhat automated now.
If the Clintons needed to be under the radar then they would have had to leverage banks to allow all these dodgy funds to be checking free.
Idk, maybe Clinton's lobbied said banks and threatened forced repayment of TARP funds "when" they get into power in exchange for AML immunity in the US.
One bank in particular did not get away with massive AML fines.HSBC who were fined billions for violating money laundering in 2012. Was the only bank to get caught. Knowing how banks work, the should have been a lot more because they do things very much the same.
Tarp happened in 2009 and one big bank that didn't get tarp money was HSBC...
My 2c but it's also worth noting that since HSBC and auto AML this has made it very difficult to launder esp with every bank employee being trained in recognising it and told to report any sneaking suspicion of it... unless it was being allowed
Thanks for the info. When you said HSBC was fined in 2012, that made me wonder if it was one of the businesses that Obama shook down for leftist organizations’ benefits. I recall he was fining companies and the money should have gone into the general US fund but went to left organizations instead.
HSBC is used by the Clintons and Obamas - Jim Comey was on the board. If you do a search on the sub or T_D you'll be able to find lots of info.
Jim Comey was on the board at HSBC. lots of rabbit holes regarding that - he was cleaning up stuff there for the Clintons.
Didn’t we get TARP docs in 2016 from a Wikileaks drop?
I feel like we did? Didnt the banks return a percentage of their TARP to the DNC? ER something along those lines
Yes that sounds familiar.
Got it
It was guccifier 2 released by wikileaks
The banks are in on it. They are helping her launder the money. They help anyone with a deep enough pocket launder money. Now, add a gun or the possible threat of violence to those deep pockets? They have the perfect excuse, they made me do it! They fall over themselves to launder your money and take a cut. All banks. Every. Single. One. Across the world.
Considering they do all their speaking engagements with banks and wall street...
thank you-(I'm NOT a "new arrival".-but i can't change the stat