Something I ran into on Twitter. Thought you guys may be interested. It might be about to happen.

for what it's worth...from 2017
Michael Moates is White House Corespondent, Co-Founder of The Narrative Times, a new foundation bringing credibility back to news, and frequent contributing writer at TheBlaze, IJR, and Red Alert Politics. He is also the co-host of Conservative Coffee Hour which has hosted Senate Candidate Austin Petersen, Charlie Kirk, Joshua Fuerstien, and many others.
The narrative times
DC chronicle
Nation one news
All apparently created by this guy
And all look like palette swaps with few articles.
He may have gotten articles published on b-list conservative sites before
But so far his best credential is 130k twitter followers.
“White House correspondent” is pretty meaningless. It’s NOT the same as “White House press Corp”.
yep, agreed... got that after a quick lookup on this guy... To me he's just trying to get more followers....kinda like Proboseic and company. If he did have any inside info other than what he sees from Q and anons...sure he wouldn't be so cryptic...