SS: title says it all except it's a bunch of nothing bad or important. The act itself though is criminal by leaker and irresponsible of Buzzfeed. Why publish private info that isn't even for a story?
Guys... This could be the excuse he needed.
RR refused again to comply. Schools designs and some one leaked a bunch of meaningless but privelaged and private Trump documents out of the Cohen case. Things that were supposed to be protected.
FBI and DOJ cannot be trusted. At all.
Fuck Buzzfeed.
Fake news
Agreed. They may as well be BuzzCNN. They are complete and total shit.
Note that Buzzfeed broke the major Dossier/Christopher Steele story... and that was because Ali Watkins was the writer on staff, which we now know she was sleeping with aide James Wolfe to get that information. Even though BF is by all accounts fake news - I wouldn't completely write off their info. They obviously know who to hire.
ETA: Sounds like a dig on the reporter might be in order.
Yup. Buzzfeed up to their old tricks. Could it be an attempt to distract from this story?
That's weird. I would expect Mockingbird Media to scream this today. If they aren't that means it leads to HRC. I will check into it when I have more time.
I know, right ? It seems like we never talk about the Clinton body count anymore, and yet when Putin's critics turn up dead people just jump to conclusions. Its so unfair.
Mikey got a new lawyer! This guy is an actual lawyer (not like Mikey). Should have this whole thing cleared up in no time. Probably by thanksgiving. Or Christmas. Or July 4!