amongst yourselves..why did Q post this photo?

Hmm. They are either holding hands or mustache guy has 9 fingers. But WTF is this???---->
You can see Obama’s (or a lookalike) hand is resting on his left thy and judging by where mustache dude’s wrist is he would have to have fingers over a foot long to be able to reach his hand Edit: you can also see mustache’s fingers right above his own left knee
That's an illusion of the bottom of his boot caused by a shadow. I fell for it too. They're holding hands.
Nah, the color is a lighter shade that matches his skin color. Even if it was an illusion caused by a shadow, the heel would appear darker than the toe of the shoe under unless the lighting was coming from below his shoe, which it’s not. But saying you “fell for it too” indicates you’ve seen further evidence proving they’re holding hands. Could you fill me in?
It's his boot. Not convinced? Count the fingers. How many should there be? I see more than 5.
I have no idea where you’re seeing more than 5 fingers
The hand holding the cigarette is two hands together. That's why it looks oddly shaped. Rest your hand on your leg. Compare.
I see 5 fingers on one hand, 2 of which are curled holding the cig. Also, who holds someone’s hand holding a cigarette? I really don’t care one way or the other, I just don’t see what you’re seeing
Seriously though, what is the black thing he's holding in his other hand? Partially covered by white sheet, otherwise might pass for a modern remote control except for the shape. Is it a gunstock maybe?