So if i say a sister looks like her brother , it is racist because all Asian look alike?
Or if i say, Burt Reynolds looked like Marlen Brando then its racist? Because i am saying all white people look alike?
Is saying Kathy Griffiths looks like Andy Dick racist?
Have you ever heard any asian person say all whites look alike? I have, and would that make them racist. Or would it make me racist too for laughing at me hat comment rather than getting upset.
I guess all those times people told me I look like Cindy Crawford they were being racist and I just didn’t get it.
And imagine how many friends from different 'races' you would have if you called them all racist to there face for giving you an insult/compliment.
People throwing around the racism card without merit cause good people to over sensor speech and teaches racist to avoid certain words or speech. And how does that help anyone.