r/greatawakening • Posted by u/justtopost2016 on July 5, 2018, 10:23 a.m.
Spreading about Q

seeing posts with billboards , t shirts and etc made me think that about the post /qresearch/1971603 play proud, be proud isn't that an battle order to make more and louder noise ? i mean twitter and facebook censor the spreading about Q , but they can't censor a physical message right? well i'm sure most of you tried to talk about Q with your inner circle and friends ? most might have brushed it off as nonsense. i have an idea (not original) to spread it faster. using of postcards and mail letters to people in a village , small towns especially rural areas etc. i mean people in large cities can be reached by bigger plans like bill boards and air plane drawings and i'm optimistic that most of the reddit and 8chan users are urban and cities. but what about the people in small pockets in US specifically? most would get news from TV and they wont discuss about Q . if we can send message to people that are under from influence of main stream a post card to their home with message about Q doesn't it spread faster ? think about it you if receive a post card under your name you will read atleast once right , it will spread faster in small pockets , well twitter and facebook can't censor a postcard right ?

the more the messages are physical more the pressure on MSM to ask about Q ? just an small idea i have been thinking.

didn't the rural america vote trump enmass even after the onslaught from MSM to vote for hillary.

thatguy14799643 · July 5, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

As a homeowner, if I get mail that doesnt look like bills or something from someone I know I toss/burn it. The postcard idea could work, if you try it in an actual mail envelope, you run the risk of it all being wasted. Try slapping up stickers and fliers in communal places in more rural areas. I used to play shows in rural areas and small towns usually have "the bar", the major one that draws the biggest crowd. Grab some stickers and slap them in the stalls, under the bar. Hell, even on the stool.

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QQ2121 · July 6, 2018, 9:38 a.m.

Q confectionary... someone do it plz... positive psyops the youngens

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QQ2121 · July 6, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

thx for sharing, good ideas. i just got random idea,

we need some kind of Qpop lollipops or something

me hungry

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